摘要: | 平板電腦電子書提供隨身閱讀的方便性,也帶來許多創新的數位閱讀體驗。以使用者中心為主導的介面設計已成為主流趨勢,介面觸控操作設計之易用性影響使用者的使用意願。因此,本研究旨在探討現有主要平板電腦電子書閱讀介面之易用性,並評估改善的可行性,藉以提供平板電腦電子書閱讀介面設計之建議,使得讀者的易讀性更佳。
本研究針對平板電腦主流作業系統iOS與Android共5種跨平台之市售電子書閱讀軟體BookU趣看書、iPubu電子書、Hami Book、Kindle及遠傳e書城,調查使用者認為影響使用意願之閱讀介面操作功能。建置此5種電子書軟體的模擬閱讀介面,藉由受試者任務操作績效量測與易用性問卷及深度訪談,瞭解不同平板電腦電子書閱讀介面操作功能對使用者的易用性。
Usability on Tablet PC to Read eBooks is convenient, and it also brings a lot of innovative digital reading experience. A user-centered interface design has become a mainstream trend, touch interface designed operation of usability affects the the user's intention to use. Therefore, this study is aimed to explore the usability of major existing e-book reader interface Tablet PC, and evaluate the feasibility of improving, in order to provide recommendations for eBook reader interface design Tablet PC, making the legibility of reader better.
In this study, there are 5 kinds of commercially available cross-platform e-book reading application BookU, iPubu, Hami Book, Kindle and FETnet eBooks for the mainstream of iOS and Android operating system in Tablet PC. Investigation that the impact of use intention of the user interface of reading operation functions. Build simulation readr interfaces of these 5 eBook applications. By measuring task performance of subjects and usability questionnaires and in-depth interviews. To understand the different Tablet PC eBook reader interface operating functions usability for users.
The first stage is Tablet PC eBook interface features usability affect use intention survey. The survey found that the font scaling, the reading trajectory, the reading situations as the main using the function interface when reading: (1) The font scaling can be divided into buttons, seekbar, dialogue, menu in dialogue, touch gestures, such as 5 kinds of different operating modes. (2) The reading trajectory can be divided into jump, slide, scrolling, such as 3 kinds of different operating modes. (3) The reading situations can be divided into menu in button (horizontal), menu in button (vertical), switch button, menu in dialogue, such as 4 kinds of different operating modes.
The second stage is evaluation of reader interface operation functionality and usability. The results indicate the users think: (1) Buttons, seekbar, touch gestures of the font scaling interface usability is better than the others, sort of buttons > touch gestures > seekbar. (2) Slide, scrolling of the reading trajectory interface usability is better than the others, sort of scrolling > slide. (3) Menu in button (horizontal), switch button of the reading situations interface usability is better than the others, sort of button (horizontal) > switch button.
The study found that users prefer the intuitive, simple feature, concise steps of reader interface operation. Therefore, the proposed Tablet PC eBook reader interface design, should take this as a reference base, improve reading interface operation features that make reader interface more friendly to user. |