摘要: | 本論文以「韓國、台灣喪葬禮儀比較」為中心進行研究。以儒家為中心的中華文化圈,其影響力不僅包括韓國、台灣,也遍及到整個東南亞。韓國自高麗末期吸收朱子學為中心的儒家文化,到了朝鮮王朝更將之運用為統治理念,影響了韓國人的生活方式,造就了喪葬儀禮的典型。另一方面,中國廣東與福建居民,大量遷移台灣,和原住民融合,成了以漢族為中心的移民社會,儒家文化附著於基本生活的深層,形成台灣習俗基幹,原始時候開始隨著民族生存環境、宗教而變遷、增添的中華文化經過長時間的流轉過程,在各國生活習俗呈現出部份不同的面貌。尤其在生活習俗中喪葬儀禮這一部份;生老病死無從先行體驗的儀禮,依據當事人的遺族意志而決定,是人生中的重大事件,除了孝道觀念之外,因對死亡認知而有所不同。
The main purpose of this treatise is to compare the differences and similarities of the funeral rites of Korea and Taiwan. Confucianism, a religious-like philosophical teachings taught by Confucius, has spread its philosophical/moral ground throughout the Eastern part of Asia. It was introduced to Korea by "Jujahak" during the end of Koryo dynasty and has attributed enormously within the Korean culture as the basic philosophical/moral ground for its culture, and governmental basis. On the other hand, due to the massive movement of Han descendants, whom having Confucianism as their philosophical/moral ground, from Guangdong and Fujian province during Ching dynasty of China to Taiwan, has created the philosophical/moral ground for Taiwan's cultural and governmental basis a mixture of the aborigine’s culture and Confucianism.
From ancient period, the rite of passage has been altered to accommodate the environmental and religious background of each ethnic group that adopted the practice. Korea and Taiwan, both being within Confucianism cultural circle which adopted the culture by mixing it with their own local culture, do now show some similarities and also differences in parts of their cultures. As one of the rite of passage that can show such alteration is the funeral rite, which being a rite that putting life away in order, and something that unknown and inexpierenced, and since its done by not the person himself but by the ones that are left behind following the wills of the dead, is deemed a most important. Also, since the rite is done differently according to the way how one perceives life, and due to its close relation with filial piety, makes this rite even more peculiar.
The funeral rites of Korea and Taiwan, being forced by the Japanese to accommodate the Japanese way during the Japanese invasion, and also by adopting the societal change from agricultural to industrial, is also gradually changing to accommodate each family's religious preference or the structure of each family. Such changes may reduce the funeral rites to simple "disposal of the body", forgetting about all the meanings and philosophies hiding behind such rites.
The main purpose of this treatise is to understand the social structure and ethical culture of Korea and Taiwan through comparing the funeral rites based on literature study and field works of the two countries, which are both the descendants of Confucianism culture. By doing so, I hope to find a way to differentiate the merits and weaknesses of both funeral rites so that we will be able to hand down the merits of each country's funeral rites from generation to generation and modify or nullify the weaknesses of the ritual that's became too perfunctory. |