The way shopping websites classify commodities is totally different that there is no standard system or commoditydescription; therefore, this research aims to propose a new system in order to integrate the frames of categorizing commodities from different websites.
Integrating system is divided into two parts. One is to integrate commodity descriptions on websites that establishesthe commonality on commodities from different shopping websites by attributes of commodities so that the samecommoditiescan be found. The other one is to set up four rules to automatically integrate categorizing frames of shopping websites. This research took domestic shopping websites as example and followed four rules established initially. This research took domestic shopping websites as example. Following four rules established initially, those commodities not compared with others can be integrated by the same commodities. Also, it is suggested that websites are merged into other websites when the main frame is large-sized. Though integrating system is utilized to look for the same commodity and its category as small-sized websites are merged into large-sized websites, there are plenty of commodities merged; so the categorizing frame of large-sized websites is integrated as well due to the scope of categorizing frame is small, which makes categorizing system much more complicated. As for those parts which cannot be merged, manual manipulation is neededBesides, certain impacts are caused on integrating system by the number of commodities merged from different websites.