摘要: | 中國傳統喪葬觀念受到儒家思想甚多。影響儒家殯葬禮儀主要是「孝」的概念。台灣地區由於空間因素,殯葬流程係以民間信仰為藍本,逐漸衍生出獨特的殯葬禮儀文化,其中殯禮與葬禮的變遷,各有不同的影響因素。本研究透過文獻回顧及整理,歸納台灣從日治時期至晚近,不同時期的殯葬禮儀與空間使用的差異。早期日治時期影響殯禮的主要為傳統禮儀,之後開始加入台灣當地的民間信仰、社會風氣與文化氛圍,而有了獨特的面貌;葬禮方面起先也以土葬為主,之後也在政策影響下,火葬的比例增加,空間使用上也改變了以風水為主的考慮方式。國民政府時期殯禮吸收不同文化的儀式,更強化了台灣殯禮的特殊性,當時的人口密度低、土地價值也相對低,加上當時由於國民政府避免文化衝突,將葬禮的相關規定取消,使得土地使用又趨於雜亂。1980年代開始台灣經濟起飛,早期由於政府的放任以及文化氛圍的改變,使得殯禮亂象四起,後來才因業者與政府的努力經營,才扭轉了殯葬業沉淪的形象;也由於社會較為開放,以及土葬所需成本大增,民眾對於火葬、環保葬等葬禮接受度大增,空間使用也大幅從平面空間使用,轉為垂直的納骨塔。
The traditional Chinese funeral was largely influenced by the Confucianism in the past. According to the Confucianism, the funeral as a ‘filial piety’. In Taiwan, due to an aspect of the special viability, funeral customs and rituals were based on derived unique folk cultures. The changes of funeral and burial customs were affected by different factors. By collecting the historical and modern literature, this research was focused on generalizing the funeral customs and the ‘concepts of death’ from Japan colonial period up to date. In the Japan colonial creed the main funeral manner was traditional ceremony, after this period funeral ceremony have acquired special appearance due to addition of Taiwan unique folk beliefs, common practices, and other traditions. The common burial tradition converted into dominating burials, and then also under the influence of policy, cremation increase in the proportion of space has also changed with the use of Feng-Shui based way of thinking. After the World War II, funerals acquired difference ceremonial face making funeral rituals particularity unique to Taiwan. During this time population density and economic value of land was relatively lower than the present. The government decided to change the burial policies in order to avoid cultural conflict let people to make more freedom for burial traditions. So abolishments of the burial policies make land use more intensive. The economy of Taiwan grew faster after the World War II but the reckless decisions of government have made funeral ceremonies more chaos. Afterwards, due to development and new thoughts on the funeral industry furthermore with government efforts reversed the image of funeral customs and traditions. With the globalization and the rapid economic development of the society, the traditional ideas on funeral customs was greatly changed in the past few decades. The monetary value of Land was significantly increased due to industrialization and urbanization, therefore, the cost for burial activities also remarkably increased. As a result cremation, burial and other ways of funeral, with the consideration environmental protection, surge sharply from the use of space plane space usage, changed into a vertical tower. |