摘要: | 客家人分布在臺灣,大致可分為三大區域。南部集中在高雄、屏東地區;東部則在花蓮和台東;北部則以桃園、新竹、苗栗為主要聚居地,習慣上稱為桃竹苗地區。本地區客家民間故事內涵豐富,展現了多樣性的生活面貌,透過本地區的民間故事,可以探究本地區客家文化的各個面向。
Hakka distributed in Taiwan can be divided into three regions . Concentrated in southern Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas ; eastern Hualien and Taitung in ; places in northern Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli as the main settlements, called on the region they drink habit . The Hakka folk tales rich in content , showing the diversity of aspects of life , through the folk tales of the region, for the region can explore various Hakka culture .
Chapter 1, " Introduction ," the motivation of this thesis is to study the scope and method statement .
The second chapter of "Taiwan Hakka ethnic group they drink and culture" , describes the history of Hakka culture generation, they drink the natural environment and the historical development of the region , the Hakka clan organizations and beliefs , as discussed in the following sections of folk tales background information.
Chapter III "Taiwan Hakka myths and legends they drink ," then they drink fourteen regions Hakka mythology , one hundred twenty-four Hakka legends , myths category Why someone would die , and radio Sky Goddess Myth three kinds ; legendary figure legends class has , Geography and legends, Buddhas legends, legends and customs of the legendary five kinds of plants and animals .
The fourth and fifth chapters of "Taiwan Hakka folk tales they drink ( a ) (b ) ," they drink region has four hundred Hakka folk tales , animal stories, fantasy stories, religious fairy stories, life stories , jokes fun six stories and feng shui .
Chapter VI "Taiwan Hakka folk tales they drink Analysis" , based on the content and structure of the story, summarized into one hundred twenty-two type , made five hundred eleven of its plot elements. Further explore the relationship between the narrator and the story on gender , age, education , and other aspects of life point of view , and the source of the story summarized as elders and social contact with relatives II .
Chapter VII "Taiwan Hakka and other areas they drink and other ethnic folk tales comparison ," the region and other regions they drink Hakka folk tales , folk tales mainland aboriginal Hakka , Taiwanese folk tales in the same district , the same district Atayal , Saisiyat folktale compared with each other , while Jhihben regional folk tales have inherited from the former townships who are also in the process of migration , because contact with other different ethnic groups , different cultures absorb those affected , only its in small quantities, it is because the character of Hakka tend to be conservative and strong ethnic consciousness , so only a small part affected.
Chapter VIII of the "Taiwan Hakka folk tales they drink righteousness Yun ," Hakka folk tales from the region can be seen in the long-term migration process Hakka culture of ethnic consciousness , but also to understand life removed after migration to the region circumstances , whether all aspects of religion, folk customs , the fate of the concept of feng shui beliefs, ethnic relations , immigration and culture , folk tales are presented .
Chapter 9, " Conclusion ," Hakka folk tales through the region , we are able to observe the various Hakka facing the region 's values and life. |