摘要: | 在本研究設計合成了新的可溶性有機薄膜電晶體材料:二甲氧基稠五苯;並在二甲氧基稠五苯結構中引進本實驗室所研發的一氧化碳架構出的前驅物,不但增加其溶解度,再者使用溶液製程方式來製作薄膜元件,以加熱或照光的方式脫去一氧化碳官能基,形成目標物二甲氧基稠五苯,取代真空蒸鍍的方式,達到降低元件製作成本的目標。
利用1,4-及2,3-dimethoxybenzofulvene 與1,4-anthraquinone進行Diels-Alder反應,形成dimethoxypentacene的中間物,再經過還原、芳香化,最後利用雙羥化反應及氧化得到二甲氧基稠五苯的前驅物,得總產率5 %。而2,3位置取代之甲氧基在雙羥化及氧化並無得到理想中的產物,其反應條件需做調整。
1,4位置取代之二甲氧基稠五苯前驅物經由熱重分析儀 (TGA)顯示在155 oC時,前驅物具足夠之活化能脫去分子一氧化碳官能基轉換成二甲氧基稠五苯,接著利用各種儀器對文獻上未知二甲氧基稠五苯主體結構作物性探討。
本研究在元件製程上使用金電極、矽基板,以top contact的元件結構,使用溶液製程的方式來製作有機薄膜,並應用在元件上,測量其P-type。而在元件上還未測得效率,這部分在製程方式及溶劑的選用需做調整。
In this research, we design and synthesize a novel soluble organic thin-film transistor, 1,4- and 2,3-dimethoxypentacene. For increase solubility, we synthesize a carbon monoxide adduct of dimethoxypentacene, which was developed by our laboratory, and then organic thin-film transistors device was fabricated by solution process.
dimethoxypentacene can be regenerated in quantitative yield by either thermal or photoinduced elimination of carbon monoxide. Therefore we can substitute vacuum evaporation to reduce cost for fabricating device.
We synthesize dimethoxypentacene with dimethoxybenzofulvene and 1,4-anthraquinone to perform Diels-Alder reaction and synthesize the intermediate for dimethoxypentacene. After reduction, aromatization, dihydroxylation and Oxidation, we can get the precursor of dimethoxypentacene with the total yield of 5%. After dihydroxylation and Oxidation, the 2,3-methoxy substituted can’t got ideal product, so the reaction conditions need to be adjusted.
From TGA measurement we know that, 1,4-dimethoxypentacene can be regenerated at 155 oC. Determine its characteristic by difference instrument.
We fabricate top-contact thin-film device by solution process with gold electrode, Si wafer and then measure its P-type mobility. We didn’t measured mobility, and we need to try other process, method and difference solvent. |