1. 已婚男性的教育程度愈高,其家務參與情形愈高。
2. 已婚男性的性別角色態度,會影響其家務參與情形。
3. 妻子若外出工作,已婚男性家務參與的情形也愈多。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the female housework participation of the married male and its influencing factors.
This research adopt Taiwan Social Change Survey made by the Academia Sinica in 2006 , with a total of 649 married male living with their wife to proceed the analysis. The major findings are as follows:
1. The higher education level of married male, the more their housework
participation involved in.
2. The gender role attitude of married male will affect their housework
participation in the case.
3. If wife is going out to work, the married male will participate in more housework.