The purpose of the study was aimed to discuss the relationship among experien-tial marketing, customer's experience, and customer satisfaction. Securities market plays a leading index in a nation’s overall economy. In order to be responsive to the competition in a free international market, securities firms have to find out their niche and to develop suitable management and competitive strategies. Furthermore, the study was to explore the experiential marketing that the customers of securities firms paid attention to, and different forms of experiential marketing’s impact on customer satisfaction.
The total number of the questionnaires distributed was 650, including 400 copies of internet version and 250 copies of paper version. 392 valid questionnaires were re-ceived and response rate was 63.9%.
The research found that customer satisfaction would be enhanced if the experi-ence of transaction process was improved. For those who were willing to invest more time in separate transaction patterns or channels, using different experiential marketing modules would increase customer satisfaction. Most important of all, it was helpful to promote different financial derivatives or attract unlike groups.
Hence, securities firms are responsible for classifying investors and providing specific marketing service to the main group. In addition to the establishment of mutual channel, it was essential for securities firms to discover their niche and focus on their differences and uniqueness. Due to this reason, securities firms still could stand out based on the mutual channel.