Accompany with tremendous issues of credit cards, limit amount non-signature transactions have been increased as well. As functions of simplify and non-authorized transaction procedure, limit amount non-signature transactions not only affect total amount, average purchasing price and consume propensity to consumers on credit card transactions, but also threat over-due potentials and financial orders, therefore, this study aims to survey possible affections of limit amount non-signature transaction of credit card to consumers’ behaviors. By sending 300 questioners and receiving 236 efficient returns, with a return rate of 78.7%, results show that limit amount non-signature transaction of credit card significantly increases transaction frequency, reduces average transaction price and increases consume propensity, in a mean of total credit card transactions over total income. However, limit amount non-signature transaction does not increase, in contrast, may lower over-due potentials of credit card transactions.
Academically, this study provides an exploration understanding to limit amount non-signature transactions of credit card, and illustrates it’s potential affections to consumer’s behaviors. Practically, this study pro-vides a managerial thinking to issuing banks and ruling officials of credit cards when lunching and regulating limit amount non-signature transactions of credit cards.