摘要: | 台灣在1950 年代著手進行經濟發展,以發展國家實力。可是,由於人口增長,抵銷經濟發展。因此,對於人口政策,何去何從,便有爭論。有人主張,為反攻大陸,必須有充分兵源,鼓勵增加人口。但是有人認為,人口增加會妨礙經濟發展。其中,最有名就是1959 年蔣夢麟發表「讓我們面對日益迫切的台灣人口問題」,主張節育政策,推動家庭計畫。
本論文採用文獻分析法以及William Dunn 政策論證研究法。研究發現認為蔣夢麟人口政策主張是屬於倡導型政策主張。他的政策論證模式是分析型模式。他的政策論證結構,包括政策主張、政策相關資訊、立論理由、支持理由、反對理由、駁斥理由,相當嚴謹通過檢驗,具有高度可信性,成立他的政策主張。
本論文結論認為:利用William Dunn 政策論證研究法,來分析蔣夢麟人口政策主張,具有實用性,幫助一般民眾充分了解蔣夢麟人口政策論證過程
In the 1950s ,Taiwan embarked on economic development and developed
national strength. However, population growth was offsetting the economic development. Thus, as to population policy, it would be controversy. Some had argued for returning the mainland, there might be sufficient manpower, to encourage increasing population. But some believed that the increase in population would hinder economic development. Among them, the most famous is Jiang Menglin’sarticle ,entitled "Let us face the increasingly urgent problem of Taiwan's population,"(1959), advocated birth control policies to promote family planning. In this thesis, the methods to carry out are literature analysis and William Dunn policy argumentation research method. This study found that Menglin’spopulation policy claim is advocativepolicy . His policy argument bases on method mode .The structure of his policy argument , including policy claim , policy information, warrant ,backing , objection, and rebuttal, is highly qualified.
This thesis concludes that: the use of William Dunn policy argumentation
research method to analyze Menglin’s population policy is very practical to help the general public fully understand the process of argumentation of Menglin’s population policy |