摘要: | 針對台北市集合住宅大廈,不良樓板內部管線設計與使用管理,常衍生出難以解決問題。常見有供電、弱電、空調、給排水等機電工程配置問題,更有因樓板內部管線內部受擠壓承載破壞、造成鋼筋外漏結構上安全問題,隨著時間將逐一顯現;尚還有違章建築複雜性問題,則是一再重複發生;形成困擾的因素,持續發展下諸多爭議無法解決,而使用管理者卻是苦無因應對策。依據我國建築技術規則之規定與解釋,建築物或建築單元,具有共同基地及共同空間或設備,並有三個住宅單位以上者,稱為集合住宅。樓板則為分隔上下樓層的水平構造體 (住戶樓地板與天板) 關於從新建構各樓層板養護開始,到完成使用管理過程中,有賴良好樓板規劃與管線配置、技術團隊確實要求施工品質、而主管建築機關則依法實施嚴謹查核制度與監督責任,最終達成樓板內部管線使用管理的主要目的。
第一章 確立緣起動機、目的範圍內容、步驟方法與流程,以利本文探討進行。
第二章 針對目的,提出行為性、適宜性需求性文獻回顧,建立本文基礎架構。
第三章 進行實證區調查就其適宜性、認同性、需求性與合理性進行住戶問卷與
第四章 調查結果經過驗證化,進而提出樓板內部管線使用管理課題與因應對
第五章 結論與建議,針對住宅樓板內部管線調查,從使用管理面可以發現衍生
To aim at the aspect of floor usage management for mixed-use housing building in Taipei City, bad design, improper usage management, and interference by external environment to management committee, resident owner, and property manager of leasing usage, it is always causing problem difficult to solve. The most frequently seen problems that are the power supply, weak wire distribution, air conditioning, and the electric & machinery allocation problem of water supply and discharge., plus that the inner floor is always subject to extruding and carrying destruction that has caused the structural safety problem of steel bar being exposed, along with time, it is getting appeared one by one. Moreover, it also has the complicate problem of illegal architecture as being occurred repeatedly, and forms as the factor of problem. If it continues to develop, many disputes fail to resolve, the managerial personnel also face difficult situation without responding measure. and improper allocation of water supply and discharge pipeline, the external of floor was always interfered by vibration noise, crack, and thus caused water penetration and leakage, and the use problem of falling off of paint, the most serious was the concrete of floor was extruded, loaded and destroyed, which causes the structure safety problem of steel bar corrosive and exposing. According to the interpretation made by our architectural technique rules and regulations, the architecture or architectural unit has a common base and common space or equipment, if it has more than 3 housing unit, it is called as multi-family building. Floor system is a horizontal structure in a building to apart from upper and lower space (floor and ceiling of the said housing unit). With regard to the floor, it starts from its architectural construction to the process of usage management, it is relied on good floor planning and pipeline allocation, the technical team must actually ask the working quality, the competent authority must be in accordance with law to implement auditing system and supervision responsibility strictly, and finally achieve the main purpose of usage management of floor pipeline.
As an example of Taipei City Hall Chingon transportation complex, the study has deeply verify empirical investigation and analysis, and is based on the view point of consumer to examine the floor pipeline problem and defect to seek for feasible improvement strategy and reasonable & effective plan, and tries to study so many different aspects of floor pipeline from past, present and future with the verified case of study to proceed the current status, execution operation and actual operation., by having through questionnaire investigation and interview with expert to analyze the real problem and issue so as to offer topic and responding measure, and to expect that by having through this investigation to analyze and hope to have discovery, and then may provide a related contribution and useful value. Finally, the study provides an effective proposal for improvement or change of floor pipeline facilities, and encourage to suggest to adopt substitute new material or new construction method to proceed re-arrangement plan for floor new and old pipeline, if such, then the life cycle of multi-family building may obtain a continuous development.
The text is divided into 5 chapter and 20 section, the detailed contents are abstracted as follows:
Chapter 1: To ascertain its origin, motivation, purpose, contents of scope, steps, method, and flow process so as to advantage the proceeding of this text.
Chapter 2: To aim at purpose to provide the literature recall of nature of behavior, properness, and demand so as to establish the theoretic structure of this text.
Chapter 3: As an example of Taipei City Hall Chingon transportation complex to proceed verification and investigation, and to aim at its properness, recognition, demand and reasonableness to proceed household questionnaire and expert interview investigation.
Chapter 4: To verify the result and to provide usage management topic and responding measure of inner pipeline of floor.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and suggestion: To aim at the topic incurred from the usage management of inner pipeline of floor, to provide self-contribution and responding measure, after being executed actually, it shall be an important and valuable reference and compliance for the usage management of inner pipeline of floor. |