In the extremely competitive environment worldwide, all MNEs pursuit of growth continuously from the internal reforms to the external expansion. The fastest way is to merger and acquisition. However, after the merger and acquisition, companies have to face many management integration problems. Integration to the business performance’s impact after the merger is highly. After the merger and acquisition, the companies have to face the differences between different cultures. And there is a relationship for cross-culture management between the mergers and acquisitions and business performance.
This study is research about the relationship for cross-culture management between the mergers and acquisitions and business performance by theoretical discussion and empirical investigation. Provided to companies to evidence and reference in mergers and acquisitions. Make they have a good business performance after mergers and acquisitions. Enhance the international competitiveness.
This study choose the banks that have been merger and acquisition. Questionnaires were sent out to the people who have been making mergers and acquisitions. 165 questionnaires were sent. Out of returned 150 questionnaires 126 were valid.
As the result it is found: (1) there is a positive relationship between the mergers and acquisitions and business performance; (2) cross-culture management will generate a moderating effect on the integration of merger and acquisition and business performance. The results of this study will be based on practice and made recommendations for future research.