摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解大學舞蹈系學生對「學校職涯輔導」與「就業力知覺」之現況,並瞭解不同「個人背景因素」之大學舞蹈系學生對「學校職涯輔導」與「就業力知覺」的差異情形,且探討大學舞蹈系學生對「學校職涯輔導」與「就業力知覺」之相關性,並更進一步瞭解「個人背景因素」分別對大學舞蹈系學生對「學校職涯輔導」與「就業力知覺」的解釋力。
本研究係採「普查法」(census) 進行施測,以臺北地區設有舞蹈系之大學校院為研究對象。本研究樣本數共計307份,實得有效樣本為302份,有效樣本回收率達100.0%。研究所使用之工具包含三個部分:「個人背景資瞭調查表」、「學校職涯輔導量表」及「就業力知覺量表」。施測所得資料以統計套裝軟體SPSS For Windows 18.0進行結果分析,分別以敘述統計、單一樣本 t 檢定、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、雪費事後比較法、皮爾森積差相關、以及多元回歸等統計方法加以分析。
三、大學舞蹈系學生之「就業力知覺」會因「舞蹈教學相關工作經 驗」之不同而有顯著差異。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of school career counseling, its understanding of employment perception standards, and their effects on college students at different dance departments throughout Taipei. A questionnaire survey was utilized to collect the data for these dance departments within Taipei and its immediate vicinity. A census sampling method of 307 dance department students was adopted, among which 302 were valid returns (100.0%). Research instruments included a personal background questionnaire, a school career counseling scale, and an employability perception scale. SPSS for Windows 18.0 was used to analyze all the data collected with the following approaches: frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test, independent samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe Method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis.
With the aim of surveying school career counseling and perception of employability for college students in these dance departments, the main findings are as follows:
1. Career counseling currently gives importance and preference to those with above average abilities, accurately representing the students’ ideals of what career counseling understanding and involvement in each students’ career path view point should be.
2. Career counseling currently gives importance and preference to those with advanced abilities, accurately representing what career counseling recognition of students’ abilities, as well as self-evaluation of employment perception in fulfilling current employment standards, should be.
3. The dancing departments student’s perceived employability would be impact because of experience of dance teaching difference to have clear difference.
4. The dancing departments student’s perceived employability would be impact because of experience of dancing performance to achieve clear difference.
5. The dancing departments student’s perceived employability would be impact because of experience of dancing choreography to have clear difference.
6. The dancing departments student’s perceived employability would be impact because of experience of association participation to achieve clear difference.
7. The dance departments’ student career counseling’s understanding of employment standards is satisfactory.
Studies suggest that students within dance departments participate with the schools in putting forward recommendations. It is imperative that students utilize the time after class to participate in club activities or work-study related experience to enhance employment competitiveness. It is further suggested that teacher-student interpersonal relations be strengthened, to motivate students to take the initiative to participate in these different career activities. Additionally, the schools must work unanimously with each subdivision of their dance departments, to increase work-study experience opportunities. |