摘要: | 由於社會不斷進步伴隨著經濟成長,人口大量往都市聚集、工作、居住已成趨勢,此一都市化的過程,讓都市居住型態朝向集中高層化發展,目前集合住宅已漸漸成為都市中主要建築居住型態;屋頂層在早期在國內往往都被當成「違章建築」的代名詞,而不被人所喜愛。近來由於盛行節能減碳永續觀點,住宅居住生活品質水準大幅提昇,現在建築物屋頂層使用管理愈被大家重視,在功能擁有更多可塑性同時,重新開始被詮釋新的使用方式,進而成為建築物的價值,惟其不同使用需求與現有空間限制之間,存在著使用管理上需求、設施功能與合理性等相關問題須作一完整探討,本探討選擇以新北市三重區百御園社區為探討實證案例,採行文獻回顧、問卷調查、實地訪談、以及觀察調查等探討方法,透過住戶與專家問卷與深度訪談討論相關問題。
第一章 主要在確立探討緣起、動機、目的、步驟方法與流程、範圍和內容,以利進行探討。
第二章 針對探討動機、目的,提出有關集合住宅屋頂層,相關法令規章與功能規定及相關專家學者資料討論,建立本文討論架構。
第三章 本文以新北市三重區百御園社區為例,進行實證調查,並就其需求、設施功能與合理性進行問卷與深度訪談,進而分析初步結果。
第四章 將結果驗證化進而提出集合住宅屋頂層使用管理課題與因應對策。
第五章 針對分析結果提出本文結論及其發現、貢獻與探討價值,進而提出具體建議與後續探討方向。
Because of uninterrupted social progress along with economic growth, population was massively gathering into urban and to work and reside there, which has become as a tendency. Such urbanized process, it allows the urban residence pattern to aim toward high-rises development, currently, condominiums are getting to become as the main construction residence pattern in a city, roof was always deemed as an pronoun of “Illegal Building” earlier in domestic and was not liked by people, however, because the sustainable point of view of energy saving & carbon reduction is getting popularized and boomed during the recent years, the globalized urban competition emphasizes that the development must have the feature of architecture landscape, and by the influence of that the living quality of residence dwelling is enhanced largely, roof, as one of five elements of modern architecture and as the façade being forgotten in the past years, the future potential of which will be getting more and more dug and emphasized by all of us. When asks the functional evolution shall own more and more plasticization, at the same time, it re-starts to be interpreted its new usage method, and further be transformed to the new estate of construction industry, it opens a brand new wave of architecture so as to build a piece of little Utopia in each lot of building., provided that between the potential of different usage demand and space limitation, it exists the related issue of necessity of usage management, reasonableness, and function to conduct a complete investigation and study. The study selects communities Baiyuyuan, Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City as a case study of demonstration. The study conducts through a questionnaire with dwelling households and professionals and a deep interview related to the problem of planning design to compare with the difference between satisfaction extent and expectation on the usage management, and to make a further criticism on the usage management of roof floor.
The conclusion of this thesis is based on the usage condition has become as an import part of urban living encironment, and thus to provide 1. Under the trend of energy saving and carbon reduction and environmental greenizing, roof space has become as one part of urban living environment. 2. The problem of usage management for roof space can be solved by through the project of scheduling, planning, design and concept. 3. The usage management for roof space must consider its overall demand . facility function, and reasonableness so as to obtain a most proper result. With regard to the portion of demonstration and verification of investigation, the study provides 1. Roof space has its existing need to the household usage management. 2. The facility fuction to the usage management for roof space as substantial development space in the future. The reasonableness of roof space is related to usage management whether is can be successful or no, and thus to provide the related topic and responding measure to the demand of usage management for roof space, facility function, and reasonableness, finally, the study also provide the value of this study, concrete suggestion, and the follow up direction of study so as to be provided for the reference to the user in the planning stage and management operation.
The contents of chapter structure of this thesis are divided into 5 chapters and 20 articles, and are abstracted as follows:
Chapter 1: The main purpose of this chapter is to establish the origin of study, motivation, purpose, step method and process, scope and contents of study so as to advantage the proceeding of study.
Chapter 2: To aim at the purpose of study to provide the development history and movements of condominiums, the past history and function of the related statute, and to make a description of the current status by the related literatures so as to establish a study structure for the thesis.
Chapter 3: The thesis is by the example of communities Baiyuyuan, Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City to proceed a demonstration investigation and to aim at its necessity, reasonableness, and function to conduct a questionnaire and deep interview.
Chapter 4: To demonstrate the result and further to provide the topic of usage management of condominiums roof floor and responding measures.
Chapter 5: To aim at the result of the above analysis to make a conclusion, discovery and contribution to this thesis, and further to provide the value of management of , concrete suggection and the follow up direction of study to the usage management of condominiums roof floor. |