摘要: | 家庭本為組成社會之基礎,家庭和諧對於社會整體安全及發展有其重要性,近年來常在報章雜誌、電視新聞裡看到家庭暴力或兒童虐待之事件,時常讓人感到震驚卻也無奈,但暴力對於家庭之影響,不儘會造成家庭破碎,使當事人本人身心受創,對於家庭成員以及未成年子女之成長過程、行為及價值觀,更是影響深遠,埋下日後社會安全之隱憂,本論文乃針對我國之家庭暴力以及兒童虐待所將涉及之問題和爭議為探討:一、針對家庭暴力,以所蒐集之資料,指出家庭暴力之成因、種類,並由統計資料了解目前家庭暴力之犯罪現況,而家庭暴力此犯罪行為將涉及之法律問題,例如法律適用之情形、家庭暴力下之正當防衛及責任事由、非同居之情侶或親密關係是否適用家庭暴力防治法等現行實務可能會涉及之問題以及如何解決為探討。二、對於家庭暴力防治之機關,教育、醫療、社政、警察機關、檢察機關、法院,以上所組成之防治家庭暴力之網絡體系,是否能有效防治家庭暴力之發生抑或是使家庭暴力案件發生量減少,實務是運作時遇到何等問題,是否仍有待改進之處,以其盡善盡美,為本文所欲研究之目的。三、而兒童之防禦能力較成年人為弱化,因其地位之特殊性,故有其特別保護之必要,除了家庭暴力防治法對其保障外,其他法律亦有特別對兒童保護之規定,如刑法、兒童及少年福利與權益保障法、性侵害防治法等,本論文即對兒童虐待之定義、類型、成因可能涉及之刑事法律問題,例如兒童告訴權行使、兒童擔任證人之問題以及對於受虐兒童保護措施將輔以上述相關法律為介紹。
The family is the basis of society. Family harmony is very important for Social Security. In recent years, it was often seen domestic violence or child abuse events in newspapers, magazines or television news. People feel shocked and helpless. Violence has deep effects on the family and society; we should pay more attention to this issue. The study will discuss our country's domestic violence and child abuse issues.
First, use the collected information to pointing out the causes and types of domestic violence. By statistical data to understand the current status of domestic violence crimes and discuss the legal issues involved. Such as the law applicable of the case, the subject of self-defense and responsibility, non-cohabiting couples or intimate relationship is suitable to Domestic Violence Prevention Act or not. Second, education, medical institution, social affairs, police agency, procuratorates, and court are composed of domestic violence prevention and control system, whether that can effectively prevent the occurrence of domestic violence or reduce domestic violence cases. Problems encountered in practical operation and whether there are still can be improved. Third, the children's defense capability is weaker than adults, because of the particularity of the status, it is necessary to have special protection. In addition to its protection of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, other laws are also special provisions for the protection of children. Such as The Criminal Law, The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, Sexual Assault Crime Prevention Act, etc. In this thesis, the definitions, types and causes of child abuse may be involved in criminal legal issues, such as the exercise of children's accuse right, the issue of child witnesses, and protection measures for abused children, will be supported by the above laws to introduce.
Although there is Domestic Violence Prevention Act to regulate, and other laws offer the protection, but while practice and prevent, there are still insufficient. This study analyze the related controversy and policy issues of prevent domestic violence, sorted out the short under our current legal system, and try to present the proposal to amend the law in order to achieve the purpose of protection of victims. |