The 1997 Asian Financial Crisis severely affected the Taiwan stock market. To enable listed companies conveying the message to the market that the price of their stocks was seriously below the fair level due to special conditions. The Securities and Futures Commission of the Treasury Ministry, on August 7, 2000 amended the Securities Exchange Act, Article 28-2, with the "Listed company shares repurchase regulation", allows the company to repurchase its own shares in accordance with the legislation.
This thesis applied the event study methodology and multiple regression analy-sis to explore the association among average abnormal returns, the declared purpose of repurchase, the frequency of repurchases, the ratio of declared repurchase, and the actual rate of repurchases. The period of investigation is from 2000 to 2010. The two windows chosen are (-10 to +10) and (-10 to +30). We look for consistent findings among the years and windows.
Empirical results show that the declared and actual repurchase ratio are both positively related to average abnormal returns, while the average abnormal returns and redemption purposes do not show any significant correlation.