Private placement is important Financing for listed companies in Taiwan. Regula-tions of private placement been relaxed that allows enterprises not only financing for simple and fast but also the insider exploited private placement for personal gain, but shall not cancel private placement simply for fear of having possible risks that loss of bring competitiveness for the company. This study used four indicators, respectively price discount and private equity ratio and the timing of payments and insiders sell old stock that to measure the original shareholder interests are the extent of violations of the private placement to explore their relationship with the corporate governance. Empirical research found to investment ratio of inside investor and the two indicators are highly significant positive correlation in 2005-2013 listed companies sample. Obtain the di-rectors or supervisors and private equity ratio is a significant positive correlation. Inde-pendent directors of the company and the two indicators are highly significant negative correlation. Largest shareholding ratio and the two indicators are highly significant pos-itive correlation. The results show that the control over of substantial shareholders in the company higher have the opportunity to make private placement by manipulation of the private placement program to make gains. The listed companies with independent di-rectors indeed supervised function to reduce the occurrence of interests predatory ef-fect.