摘要: | 本案探討標的位於台北市萬華區大理街403號公園附近,其上已有台糖公司A.B.C三座舊式倉庫,係供五分車駁靠載運原料的舊月台,是台灣最北的製糖遺構,然C2基地之C棟倉庫連同公二用地上之A、B棟倉庫被台北市政府於民國92年9月23日指定為市定古蹟,嚴重影響所有權人台糖公司權益。
The study subject is located near the park at No. 403, Dali Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City. In the vicinity, there are three used warehouses labeled A, B and C, which were former platforms used by the Taiwan Sugar Railways to transport sugarcanes. These are the northernmost ancient sugar refineries in Taiwan. However, Warehouse C on Base C2 and Warehouses A and C on type-2 public land were designated as municipal heritages by the Taipei City Government on September 23, 2003. As a result, the rights of the owner, Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC), were severely damaged.
The designation of the warehouses as municipal heritages subsequently led to the deprivation of TSC's rights to continue their use of either the construction itself or the land. The designation is also likely to have had an impact on the value and sale prices of the land. To ensure and protect the rights of land and building owners, the study uses TSC's Warehouse C as an example to understand whether there is any loss of rights for TSC after the designation by means of comparing a real estate appraisal of C2 before the designation and the current TDR sale prices of the street block of C2 after the designation while taking into consideration of TSC's property rights, characteristics of the current TDR market in Taipei City, and regulatory requirements.
This study contains five chapters and seventeen sections. In Chapter 1, the cause, motivation, purpose, scope, content, methodology, and procedure of the study are detailed. In Chapter 2, discussions on issues concerning the sale prices of the base and the transferrable building bulk by using a real estate appraisal to compare the sale prices before and after the designation are made. A literature review is also provided as a theoretical foundation for issues related to owner rights. In Chapter 3, an investigation is carried out with regards to the rights damage of TSC after the designation of Warehouse C as a municipal heritage in terms of use, profits, penalties and taxes of the buildings and land. In Chapter 4, a real estate appraisal is conducted on the base before the designation and the value is compared against another appraisal of the current TDR sales price to determine if there is any damage to the overall land rights of TSC. The analysis confirms loss of rights by TSC after the designation. In Chapter 5, conclusions are proposed based on the analysis and discussion in previous chapters, and suggestions are made for the reference of future studies in this area. |