摘要: | 貧窮及知識落差所造成弱勢族群,是造成今日社會動盪與不平等的主因,國際間無論開發中或未開發國家均將縮小族群差距,視為首要解決項目。隨著 M 型社會的來臨,外籍配偶與「新台 灣之子」的加入,使得我國因為文化不利、社經地位不利所產生 弱勢學童所佔學齡兒童的比例也逐漸擴大。
雖然臺灣近年來針對弱勢學生的學習及輔導,提供了許多的 補助措施,然而 2009 年後受到國際金融風暴的衝擊,整體經濟發 展衰退,政府在財政支出緊縮下,已嚴重影響弱勢家庭孩子的學 習與發展。
幸賴仍有許多民間非營利組織基於組織使命與代表公民參與 之公益精神驅使,挺身協助政府處理弱勢學童的知識落差等相關 問題,並提出具體可行與符合本身優勢之策略,把握機會參與及倡導相關政策之擬定,將資源妥適分配,以實踐社會平等之崇高理想。 本研究以社區法人台北市八頭里仁協會為例,說明其改善社區弱勢兒童生活及學習競爭落後方案─「北投追風少年植穗營」的成果,期能提供研究此面向之學界,未來繼續深入與擴充探討 的參考。
Poverty and knowledge gap caused by the weaker groups, are today the main cause of social unrest and inequality, whether developing or developed countries will narrow the gap between ethnic groups, as the primary solution. With the advent of the M-type society, foreign spouses and "Son of Taiwan" to join, making our country because of the adverse cultural, socio-economic status and adverse proportion of disadvantaged children's school-age children has expanded gradually.
Although Taiwan in recent years, learning and counselling for vulnerable students, offers a number of support measures, after 2009 however the international impact of the financial turmoil, the overall economic recession, the government has seriously affected the learning of the children of disadvantaged families in the tightening of fiscal expenditure,and development.
Fortunately, there are many private, non-profit organization based on the Organization's mission and representatives of citizen participation in public spirit-driven, knowledge gap to deal with vulnerable come forward and assist the Government and other related issues, and put forward feasible and consistent with the dominant strategy, grasp the opportunity to participate in related policy formulation and advocacy, the optimal allocation of resources, through high ideals of social equality.
This study with the community of the Taipei Peitou Association, for example, describing his competition behind improving the lives of vulnerable children in the community and learning programme-"Peitou herd juvenile plant spike camp", provides research-oriented academic institutions, further in-depth discussion on expansion and references. |