Currently, the utilization from Internet and Cloud computing has dramatically emerging. Therefore, to protect the security of the electronic and digital data from being stolen directly on the Internet is a must. After surveying, both of the encryption and data hiding are suitable and adopted to achieve the purpose of information confidentiality in the paper. In addition, these two methods can also be used based on their characteristics of each algorithm in different fields to validate its effectiveness.
This thesis proposes an encryption algorithm - Rubik's Cube algorithm. First, the data are pretreated. With defined size of sub-blocks, we then divide the data into six sub-blocks, and then bind each sub-block to one of six surfaces of Rubik's Cube. Finally, the data on the surfaces are treated with partitions, translations and rotations operations. The algorithm use random numbers to determine the direction of displacements and number of flips for data encryptions. The levels of Rubik's Cube used in this research are 3×3×3. Each small square are with the same size. Empty blocks are padded with blank data
In addition, the thesis compare proposed algorithm with common encryption method, analyzing their strengths, weaknesses and applications.