本研究以透濕防水膜之濕式塗佈加工的製程條件上的探討,分別在凝固浴前給予1min、3min、5min 預先凝固在相對濕度100%下加工,其實驗結果顯示時間1min較短使得水置換時間不足導致孔洞變化不顯著,時間5min則因水置換時間太長內部孔洞有穿透之現象,故最佳條件為預凝固3min其孔洞變小且均勻已達預凝固之功效,經實驗結果預凝固3min之加工孔徑佔整體比例21.8173%其水壓為6230mmH2O、透濕為5671 g/m2/24hr。
另外以不同濃度之凝固浴和凝固浴溫度變化對微多孔孔徑的變化探討,條件以預凝固3min、凝固浴濃度10wt% 溫度20℃ 有最佳耐水壓值及透濕值,隨著預凝固溫度的提高凝固浴濃度低造成孔洞穿透及其透濕亦隨之提高,在預凝固溫度40 ℃有最高透濕量為14514 g/m2/24hr ,但其耐水壓值僅1800mmH2O,在預凝固溫度為20 ℃時水壓提升至8500mmH2O 透濕度仍保有12137g/m2/24hr;其孔洞佔總面積比例可隨凝固浴溫度的改變使孔徑與整體面積比呈遞增時,透濕度亦呈遞增現象。
In the wet process of making waterproof and water vapor permeability fabric from the experiment we knows that before the coagulation we gave 1min, 3min and 5min in the 100%R.H. At the time 1min, the solvent and water exchange too short to let the membrane’s hole change it’s type. And at the time 5min, the exchange are too long to make the membrane’s hole are penetrated. And at the time 3min, it’s hole are become smaller and uniform. The best pre-coagulation time is 3min, the proportion of total holes are 21.8173% and waterproof 6230mmH2O and water vapor permeability 5671 g/m2/24hr.
And we also discuss how the coagulation’s concentration and coagulation’s temperature change the membrane’s micro-pore. The condition of coagulation’s time 3min, concentration 10wt%, temperature 20℃ has the best waterproof and water vapor permeability. And the pre-coagulation temperature going rise and the concentration low the membrane’s hole has penetrated and the water vapor permeability are going rise. At the pre-coagulation temperature 40℃ has the highest water vapor permeability 14514 g/m2/24hr, and the water proof are 1800mmH2O. When the pre-coagulation temperature at 20℃ the water vapor permeability are going up to 8500mmH2O, and the water vapor permeability are 12137 g/m2/24hr. The proportion of total holes percentage will change by the hole’s diameter and area ratio with the different coagulation temperature. When the ratio going rise the water vapor permeability will also going rise.