摘要: | 本近年來台灣消費型態的改變促使了產業的競爭與轉型,在全球化的趨勢下,開發中國家藉著其廉價的勞力、土地成本的優勢,使台灣逐漸失去競爭優勢,迫使產業逐漸轉型或外移。面對此種困境,最適當的解決之道是發展創造高經濟價值的產業,而在眾多產業類別中,知識經濟附加價值最高的類型就是以創意為核心的生產領域,文化創意與產業結合所產生的靈感、創意,將為國家帶來新的發展潛能、商業化的機會,進而創造經濟成長與工作機會。文化創意產業也因此成為台灣未來發展及轉型的契機。
Beauty Art,又可稱做美容藝術,相似於台灣的美容業,但在外國如韓國、日本皆已將美容藝術產業納入文化創意產業中的一環,美容藝術產業可分為彩妝(make-up)、髮型(in hair)、皮膚保養(in skin-care)三類。韓國與日本的彩妝、保養品皆能在國際間大放光彩,反觀台灣在近幾年雖然也有品牌嘗試走入國際市場,但其知名度仍然不及韓國與日本的品牌。如果台灣未來可追隨韓國、日本的腳步將美容產業納入文化創意產業並加強產業人才核心能力之培育,相信未來必定能使整體產業發展環境更趨於成熟。此外,本研究以雙因子理論作為企業人才能力培育的兩大決策的理論基礎,進行探討與分析,以作為美容藝術產業之相關企業未來在培育人才上的參考。
In recent years, the changes in Taiwan’s consumption patterns prompted the indus-try competition and transition. In the trend of globalization, developing countries rely on the advantages of cheap labor and land cost, Taiwan is gradually losing its competitive edge, forcing the industry to the gradual transformation or relocation of. Faced with this dilemma, the most appropriate solution is to develop and create the high economic value industries. However, in many industry categories, the highest type of the value-added knowledge-based economy is the creative core production areas, cultural and creative industry combined with the inspiration and creativity; it will bring new development for the country potential commercialization opportunities, thus creating economic growth and jobs. Thus Cultural and creative industries has become the opportunity for Taiwan's future development and transformation.
Beauty art industry similar to Taiwan's cosmetic industry, but such as South Korea and Japan have switched the beauty arts industry included in the cultural and creative industries, the beauty art industry can be divided into the make-up, in hair, in skin-care three categories. South Korea and Japan’s makeup, skin care products have encountered famous around the world, the other hand, the brands in Taiwan popularity is still less than South Korea and Japan. If Taiwan can follow the steps of South Korea and Japan, the beauty art industry into the cultural and creative industries and strengthen the core competencies of industrial employees cultivate, the future will certainly make the envi-ronment for the development of the industry as a whole tends to be more mature. Fur-thermore, in this study, we use two-factor theory as theoretical basis the two deci-sion-making capacity to nurture employees, to explore and analyze as beauty art industry enterprises in nurturing future reference on employees.
This study based on past literature sorting out the core competencies beauty art in-dustry employees and uses Analytic Network Process to expert questionnaire and cal-culates value the weight. Attempt to identify critical core competencies beauty in arts industry employees, Expectation by empirical results, provide beauty art industry related companies as a reference for the future elected supervisor or the selection of employees based the establishment of human capital performance. |