摘要: | 由於科學技術以及醫療保健的進步,加上營養條件的改善與生活品質的提升,使得人類壽命逐漸地延長,老人雖然擁有更多的退休自由時間,並不一定代表快樂,唯有充分的多樣性利用,才能獲得真正的快樂。高齡者對於老年生活的期待包括:身體健康、心理健康、社會關係良好。
As science and technology and advances in medical care, coupled with improved nutrition and quality of life improvement, so gradually lengthen human life, the elderly, though they have more free time to retire and do not necessarily represent happiness, only the full diversity use in order to obtain true happiness. Elderly expectation of life for the elderly include: physical health, mental health, good social relations.
This study aimed to investigate the Hsinchu city elderly social support networks, participation in daily activities and successful aging correlation. This study used questionnaires, the use of field-applied questionnaire survey to collect empirical data as a basis for analysis and discussion, in addition to relevant literature carried out data collection, be to summarize, discussion and analysis.
Based on the findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows:
1. level of education, perceived health status, economic status and social support networks are closely related
2. education level, perceived health status, economic status and is closely related to successful aging
3. the higher the social support network function, higher participation in daily activities, all help to improve the Elderly successful aging
4. participation in daily activities Hsinchu city elderly generally low level of participation
5. Hsinchu city elderly generally higher social support networks
6. Hsinchu city elderly are generally engaged in daily activities as walking, cycling and home cleaning and other activities
Based on the above findings, this study provides future researchers of the study and recommendations:
1. the study's recommendations:
(1) increase participation in daily activities.
(2) to encourage community organizations to actively participate in the activities.
2. future researchers Reference:
(1) the study: This study because of the researcher's own time and financial constraints, the samples taken at disproportionate and, secondly, the researchers sent out questionnaires time rush order. Many community organizations in and unable to cooperate, leading to the questionnaire can not be issued in each community care centers and organizations. Researchers will study the future of the field of view can be extended to different counties, more samples, more in-depth and diversity of the study.
(2) test and questionnaire: Due to lack of elderly eyesight and patience, we recommend that future test and questionnaire the questions you need to consider the degree of difficulty and the elderly person's ability to understand the universe, it will not appear excessive errors or invalid questionnaires situation. |