摘要: | 緣起我國環境影響評估案件多半以「有條件通過」之審查結論,略過第二階段之環評審查,引起環保團體及居民爭議,將環評審查的問題帶到法院,其中「中部科學工業園區第三期發展計劃」(后里基地-七星農場部分開發計畫)之環境影響評估結論,遭台北高等行政法院96年訴字第1117號判決撤銷,經最高行政法院99年判字第30號判決維持撤銷審查結論確定。查其主要論點:「…原處分認為本案無對環境有重大影響,不繼續進行第二階段環境影響評估,有條件通過環境影響評估是否適法?…」引發一連串行政院與司法院間爭議及社會各界關注。故興起探究我國環境審查爭議問題能否透司法獲得解決之動機。
The origin of most of the EIA cases of "conditional pass" the conclusions of the review, skip the second stage of the EIA review, causing environmental groups and residents dispute, the issue will be brought to the EIA review court, where "Central Taiwan Science Park III year development plan of the Environmental Impact Assessment concluded by the Taipei High Administrative Court of Appeal in 2007No.1117 quashing by the Supreme Administrative Court sentenced to 2010No.30 to maintain revocation conclusions of the review to determine. Check its main argument: "... the disposition that the case has no significant impact on the environment, not to beproceed with the second phase of an environmental impact assessment, environmental impact assessment conditionally approved the suitability of France? ...."Triggered a series of disputes between the Executive Yuan and the Judicial Yuan . Therefore,to explore the rise of the disputed issue of whether the environmental review were resolved through the judicial motives.
This paper to think about: Through investigation EIA administrative litigation cases controversial understand our courts dealing with such cases the status of the problem, and then to administrative proceedings judicial review of the EIA controversial work, learn in Germany or the United States EIA judicial review system, hoping to solve the EIA review contentious issues!
Research methods adopted in this paper is mainly literature review, investigation and comparative analysis of legislation. Chapter II, the theoretical basis of literature review, discusses the status of EIA system, with the United States and Germany and other similarities EIA system, comparing Germany and the United States and China EIA controversial judicial review, as a follow-up survey program direction, to understand our literature review He Guoli EIA system is based on legislation, the re-investigation proceedings courts controversy ring current status of any country tend to administrative proceedings legislation in order to explore whether the EIA dispute through judicial settlement. Chapter III Environmental Impact Assessment Survey administrative litigation matters in dispute and controversy in the Division three EIA survey, develop a discussion of the question. The fourth chapter analyzes the findings of the courts deal with disputes in the Division three cases EIA disputes with all current situation, the public temper justice mixed views on judicial review, it must learn from experience in Europe and judicial review, the Court find ways to solve the disputed issue of EIA .The propose of Chapter Vsolutions to the environmental impact assessment system matters conclusions and recommendations.
The study found that China's environmental impact assessment system matters, the EIA judicial review handle differences seem to be subject to environmental impact assessment system legislative cases from the United States and the EIA judicial review of administrative action transplanted from Germany, there can not blending process EIA dispute is a need to focus on the subject, it is recommended that suitable for China should develop judicial review EIA to resolving the issues in dispute.
Keywords: environmental impact assessment, judicial review |