This research is based on a franchised playschool teachers as its observation samples, and using questionnaires tools to explore correlation ship between school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness. The research framework and correlation analysis which provided in this study are base on research objectives and public literature reviews,
The observation charts in this research are made by researcher herself which including school support chart, school environment chart and teaching effectiveness chart. Quantitative data were analyzed by "descriptive statistics", "t test", "single-factor analysis of variance", "Pearson correlation", "classic correlation analysis", and "multiple regression analysis"
The conclusions of the research are the following.
1. The awareness from the research groups for the study is moderate.
2. Most of preschool teachers are getting highest score in "professional
knowledge" in teacher effectiveness.
3. The significant differences in teacher effectiveness are "marital status", "having own children in the family", "religion", "highest education level ", "position in the career field", "professional license holding", "post studying plan" and " districts of the school".
4. “The age of the teacher” and "years of teaching experience, is significantly correlated in teacher effectiveness.
5. The correlation between school effectiveness and teacher effectiveness is only among in " support in working environment", "school contexts' and “ teachers' performance 'commitment”
6. School effectiveness and teacher effectiveness has obvious relevance.
7. School Effectiveness can predict the teacher effectiveness.
8. Higher predictive power generally exists when teacher who is single and holding both of the licenses.
9. Higher predictive power can be found in “problem solving knowledge” in school effectiveness.