莫札特(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791) 創作的鋼琴奏鳴曲,常是鋼琴學習者必學習的演奏曲目。也由於音型的結構簡潔,而要真正表現出天真、自然的境界,實屬不易。本論文乃針對莫札特KV.330鋼琴奏鳴曲作一全面性之深入探討。
The Piano sonatas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) are often part of the repertoire which the piano learner must learn. As the musical structure is succinct, it is challenging to convey the delightful, natural expression. This thesis explores in depth the piano sonata, KV.330, by Mozart.
This article, is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is introduction, indicating the motive, the reason, the range and method of the author of this paper. The second chapter is the Mozart biography outline, states Mozart the life and the biography important matter and the music background discussion, the narration time background and the creation style. The third chapter for the music analysis as well as the music performance skill and the annotation.in view of this musical form, the melody, adjusts the nature with to make the induction analysis with the sound, puts forward the proposal to annotation of the this tune, and to plays the method and the skill performs quite to analyze. The last chapter is the conclusion of this paper , bringing up the view and points of the author.