OCD會造成生活品質的極大損害。以60名OCD門診病患為對象,調查了他們生活中跟健康相關的生活品質。結果發現,OCD病人生活品質受到損害的程度跟憂鬱症病人相當;其工具性功能 (如上班、居家、上學)與社會性功能都受到了損害;社會功能受到損害的程度則跟OCD症狀的嚴重程度有互相關係。
This research is based on the methods of In-Depth Interview to study the life experiences of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) children. Two elementary school students and their main caregivers are interviewed for five times, and the duration of each interview is 30 minutes. This reach contains three main topics.
Topic 1: The life experiences of OCD children.
Topic 2: Insights in OCD children.
Topic 3: Treatments for OCD children.
Results reveal that OCD children have trouble adapting to lives. For example, most OCD children realize that their obsession or compulsive behaviors are irrational, and they try to avoid them, however, accompanying with anxieties or nervousness.
Those OCD children are afraid to be recognized as OCD, so they isolated themselves form groups.
Anxieties and frustration appear at the same time when those OCD children are unable to achieve their anticipations or targets; meanwhile, the OCD symptom will react in different ways to reduce anxieties and frustration.
OCD can be very harmful to life qualities. Clinical study on 60 OCD patients reveals that they suffer the same levels of damage of life qualities as the Depression Disorder patients. Their instrumental function such as working, living and studying and social function are affected. There are relation between the damage of social function and severities of OCD symptom.
Key words: obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), life experience.