摘要: | 根據美國國家標準技術研究院National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST)的定義:雲端運算是一種新型態的服務模型,透過網路的存取提供了無所不在、便捷、符合需求的一個大量共享計算資源(如網路,伺服器,儲存空間,應用程式等服務)。而這些計算資源可以快速的被配置以滿足使用者所需服務,並且可以減少在使用計算資源上的管理工作以及服務供應商的互動。為了能夠提升資訊設備的使用效能以協助企業降低營運成本,增加競爭優勢,達成雲端運算的目標。
由於線路模擬是一件需要長時間占用到電腦的工作,在執行模擬的過程中,電腦無法用於其他的工作,而使用者只能在電腦前等待模擬結果,白白浪費不少時間。所以在本論文中,設計了一個網頁來供使用者執行線路模擬的平台,以最典型、可攜性最高的作法(採用TCP/IP) 建立和多個client simulator連線的雲端運算,同時使平行處理去完成使用者工作,藉此系統能大幅的提升設備使用效能,符合了雲端運算的基本精神-資源共享以提高設備使用效能。
藉由此系統的分析研究和實現與驗證,使用程式語言C及網頁PHP程式語言功能,設計出網頁與client simulator連線結合的雲端系統,然後依據網路傳輸速率以及系統執行的平均等待時間,進行實驗測試及分析,具體呈現了雲端運算之優越性。
According to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) definition: Cloud computing is a new kind of service model, access by the network provides omnipresent convenient and match what everyone needs a large number of shared computing resources (eg networks, servers, Free File Hosting, applications, and other services). These computing resources can be configured to match what services of user needs quickly, and reduce the use of computing resources as well as on the management and service provider interaction. In order to enhance the efficiency of use of IT equipment to help companies reduce operating costs and increase competitive advantage, to achieve the goal of cloud computing.
Because the circuit simulation needs occupied computer for a long time in the implementation of the simulation process, the computer can not be used for other work, and users can only wait the results, wasted a lot of time. Therefore, in this paper, design a web page for users to perform circuit simulation .
The most typical and maximum portability (using TCP / IP) establishment multiple client simulator cloud computing, while making user tasks to complete parallel processing, whereby the system can be significantly improved device performance, in line with the basic spirit of cloud computing - the sharing of resources in order to improve.
With this system, analysis and implementation and verification, and Web pages using the PHP programming language C programming language features, design a web connection and client simulator combines cloud system, then the system according to the network transmission rate and the average waiting time for execution, conducting experimental tests and analysis of the specific advantages of cloud computing presents. |