摘要: | 根據TWNIC(財團法人台灣網路資訊中心)2011年1月的統計,台灣地區上網人口為15,389,527,其中以個人行動上網中,3G(或3.5G)行動上網使用者比率超過70%且仍在成長中。因此可推斷行動上網對於各方面的商業價值將會越來越高。
行動科技和無線網路的技術越來越發達,透過智慧型行動裝置本身具有的永久連線、攜帶方便、定位系統和具有24/7/365等即時隨地的特性。可經由簡訊(文字和多媒體型式)、行動應用程式(Mobile App)、電子郵件等等方式通知消費者有那些商店有活動正在進行,透過這樣的方式相比以往傳統的行銷方式如電視廣告或是DM發送更加快速達到傳播資訊給於消費者的目的。
According to the statistic of TWNIC (Taiwan Network Information Center) January, 2011, the population of online usage in Taiwan is 1538952. The rate of 3G or 3.5G mobile internet is over 70% which is increase growing, Hence, we can estimate the variety of every aspects of commercial value in mobile internet industry will be gradually higher and higher.
Due to the increasing demand of smart phone devices and the population of mobile phone, the mobile phone, including function of smart phone, pc, is increasing. The advantage of technology makes the relevant applicant of mobile technology and wireless web become prevailing, From massage transmission, mobile online, social media to commercial, technology, media all kinds of business permeate people’s daily life.
The technology of mobile technology and wireless web is developing. Through it’s feature permanent online hooked easy to carry on GPRS and 24/7/365 (every day, every hour) smart phone has the proposition of message sending(text and types of multi-media), mobile app, e-mail that in for consumers what is going on, therefore, it is more effective, faster than traditional media such as PM direct mail and TV commercial.
The statistics shows that by using mobile marketing-the new marketing tool enables consumers receive different channels of consumer message which is rather helpful for the increasing point of purchase, store setting rate and consumer behavior analysis. |