本研究是利用半流動式裝置的超臨界流體設備來量測兩種抗氧化劑的溶解度,這兩種抗氧化劑分別是沒食子酸辛酯跟沒食子酸異戊酯,量測的溫度範圍為308.15 K、313.15 K、318.15 K,壓力範圍為12 MPa到24 MPa之間。接著利用紫外線可見光光譜儀(UV-visible)根據標準品所做出的檢量線進行溶解度計算,實驗結果顯示,沒食子酸辛酯的溶解度莫耳分率範圍在10-5到10-6 mole%之間,而沒食子酸異戊酯的溶解度莫耳分率範圍在10-6 mole%之間。
本研究也同時利用兩條半經驗式Mendez-Santiago and Teja Model(MST Model)及Chrastil Model進行沒食子酸辛酯和沒食子酸異戊酯溶解度的數據回歸,並使用平均絕對相對偏差(Average Absolute Relative Deviation AARD)來分析實驗結果的合理性,結果顯示兩個抗氧化劑藥品的AARD均小於7%。
Supercritical fluid can be applied to many aspects, for example extraction technology, clean technology, atomization, fiber dyeing technology etc. This experiment used supercritical fluid extraction, to provide isolation and purification This study using semi-mobile type apparatus to measure the solubility of the two antioxidants in supercritical carbon dioxide, these two antioxidants are Octyl Gallate and Isoamyl Gallate, the experimental data were taken at 308.15 K, 313.15 K and 318.15 K, and the pressure between the ranges from 12 MPa to 24 MPa. Then using an ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer (UV-visible) analysis the data. Experimental results show that Octyl Gallate solubility mole fraction in the range between 10-5 to 10-6 mole%, and Isoamyl Gallate solubility mole fraction in the range between 10-6 mole%.
The study while taking advantage of the two semi-empirical formula Mendez-Santiago and Teja Model (MST Model) and Chrastil Model to Octyl Gallate and isoamyl Gallate solubility data regression, and use the average absolute relative deviation (AARD) to analyze the reasonableness of the experimental data, the results showed that two antioxidants were less than 7%.