摘要: | 箏曲發展越來越蓬勃,或全然創新或採用傳統曲目為素材重新編創,素材的選擇越來越多元。不論是作曲思維、演奏技巧、記譜方式等,都為現代箏曲創造新的神韻及樣貌。本論文以三首與舞蹈意象有關的現代創作箏曲,探討箏樂作品發展的可能性;以及演奏者除了必須依照樂譜練習外;分析樂曲、了解創作者背景和思路軌跡以及賦予音樂想像等都是極為重要的部分。多層次、多角度的深入思考,演奏時才能深刻細膩又生動鮮活的呈現給觀眾。
Zheng music, or Chinese zither music, has become more innovative and vibrant in recent years as new compositions are being written and fragments of many traditional pieces are being rearranged. More and more inspirable elements are available for choice. Whether in terms of compositional ideas, performance techniques, notation methods, new ideas are being incorporated into modern zheng music. The study selects three dance imagery related modern zheng compositions to delve into the potential possibility of zheng music development. Moreover, in addition to practicing what is written on the score, it is important for the performer to analyze the music, understand the composer’s background and compositional ideas, as well as use the imagination to bring their own interpretation to the pieces. Only by exploring the music in depth on multiple levels and through multiple perspectives can the performer present a deeply touching performance to the audience.
This study selects three compositions— Huang Hao-Yin’s solo zheng piece “Flying Apsaras Dance,” daw-Sheng Lin’s solo zheng piece “Ballad of Malan,” Huang Hao-Yin’s “Reincarnation,” a zheng composition with piano accompaniment written by Zhu Xiaogu— and analyzes them in depth. The writer attempts to discuss and analyze many facets of zheng music, including instrument characteristics, performance techniques, timbre, musical vocabulary, chordal applications and certain melodic traits. It is hoped that this study would provide useful information and valuable insight to the future development of zheng music.
The writer starts out by analyzing and offering various interpretations of the three pieces mentioned above, and interviews with the composers in an attempt to understand their musical backgrounds and compositional motives, further discussing their ideas on composition and how these ideas have evolved over time. In the end, the writer summarizes the important aspects of performing the pieces and how the music relates to the times we live in. |