為提昇競技運動教練專業素養,打造優質的運動訓練環境,本研究旨在建構我國運動教練之標準,提供未來相關領域之研究,以及發展我國競技運動教練之參考依據。本研究以「美國運動教練的國家標準」為藍本,邀請國內20位相關領域之專家組成專家小組,透過文獻分析及德爾菲法(Delphi Method)專家意見調查,以3回合的匿名問卷往返,建構我國運動教練之標準。本研究以Cronbach’s α係數考驗第一回合問卷的內部一致性,以描述統計呈現3回合問卷結果,再以德爾菲法穩定度考驗專家意見是否達成共識,最後完成「臺灣競技運動教練標準」包含:(一)哲學與倫理;(二)安全與傷害預防;(三)身體訓練;(四)教學與溝通;(五)技術與戰術;(六)組織與管理;以及(七)監控與評估,合計7個向度,其下有29項標準及106項基準等內涵,應可為培育、認證、聘任及考核競技運動教練之參考依據。
This study aimed to explore the standards of sports coaches in Taiwan. In particular, this study provided the reference for the culture, authentication, employ and evaluation of sports coaches in Taiwan. Based on the “National standards for sport coaches” in America, Delphi Method was used to build up the professional contents for the standards of sports coaches. This study invited twenty experts to form the expert panel. These experts took part in and answer the questionnaire in three rounds. The study results of the standards of sports coaches are including seven domains as follows: (1) Philosophy and Ethics; (2) Safety and Injury Prevention; (3) Physical Conditioning; (4) Teaching and Communication; (5) Sports Skills and Tactics; (6) Organization and Administration; (7) Evaluation. Besides, 29 standards and 106 benchmarks are contained in the results. Based on the results, some concrete suggestions are proposed for the government administration, evaluation organizations, academic institutions, evaluators and future research.