摘要: | 中文摘要
2012年6月 研究生:鄭名峰
背景:世界衛生組織 (world health organization, WHO) 判斷代謝症候群中肥胖之指標,可以是以身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)或腰臀比(waist hip ratio, WHR),而台灣行政院衛生署卻僅以腰圍為依據而未採BMI,由於BMI已是國際上及國人普遍判定肥胖之指標。因此,本研究目的即在探討青少年BMI與代謝症候群判定指標間是否具有相關性存在。方法:以2397位新竹市7年級男女學生為研究對象。以方便取樣模式將所得資料以皮爾森積差相關與單因子變異數分析及逐步回歸分析進行BMI與腰圍、血壓、血糖、三酸甘油酯及總膽固醇等5項代謝症候群之判定指標之相關分析及差異考驗。結果:男生BMI過瘦、正常及過重與肥胖分別為17.6%、56.4 %及26 %;女生BMI過瘦、正常及過重與肥胖分別為19.8 % 、56 % 及24.2 %。男生之BMI與收縮壓、舒張壓、三酸甘油酯、血糖及總膽固醇呈現顯著相關(SBP: r = .425; DBP: r= .329; TG: r = .238;FG: r =- .062; TC: r =.049 , p<.05);女性之BMI則是與收縮壓、舒張壓、三酸甘油酯及總膽固醇呈現顯著相關(SBP: r = .245;DBP: r = .186;TG: r = .174;TC: r =.053, p<.05)。結論:12-13歲男、女生BMI與腰圍對代謝症候群指標項目均具有顯著相關。因此BMI也是可以當作評估代謝症候群的參考指標。建議國人青少年代謝症候群中之肥胖指標,除了腰圍以外,亦可參考BMI做為判定標準。
The Relationship between BMI and Metabolic Syndrome Index in Seventh Grade Students of Hsinchu City
June 2012 Student: Ming- Feng Cheng
Advisor: Huey-Jung Wu
Background: The World Health Organization, WHO, announced that either Body Mass Index (BMI) or Waist Hip Ratio (WHR) can be the determiner of Metabolic Syndrome Indicators. While the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. only that waist circumstance as the accordance of adiposity, but not BMI, which has already been the international and local general adiposity indicator. Therefore this study aims at investigating whether there’s correlation between BMI of adolescent and Metabolic Syndrome Indicators. Methods: Take 2397 7th grade students, in both genders, in Hsinchu city as the study objects. Using the Pearson correlation, one factor variance analysis and stepwise regression analysis to analyze the data collected in facilitate sampling mode, to analyze the correlation of BMI and the 5 metabolic syndrome indicators, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol and their differences as well. Result: BMI of lean, normal and obesity 17.6%, 56.4% and 26% in men while it is 19.8%, 56% and 24.2% in female respectively. For male, there’s obvious correlation between BMI and SBP, DBP, blood glucose, triglycerides and total cholesterol (SBP: r = .425; DBP: r= .329; TG: r = .238;FG: r =- .062; TC: r =.049 , p<.05). For female, BMI is obviously correlated with SBP, DBP, triglycerides and total cholesterol (SBP: r = .245;DBP: r = .186;TG: r = .174;TC: r =.053, p<.05). Conclusion: BMI and waist circumstance are conspicuously correlated with the metabolic syndrome indicators in 12-13 year-old male and female. Therefore, beside waist circumstance, BMI can also be one of the metabolic syndrome indicators for adolescent.
Key words: adiposity, waist circumstance, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol |