夜景的定義是夜間景觀,也就是指在夜間透過自然光和燈光所塑造的景觀。本研究藉由日景的景觀要素了解所謂的景觀要素,而這些景觀要素在夜晚所呈現的情形有何不同,並進行比較。本研究以陽明山附近作為主要研究區,陽明山是一個看台北市夜景的好地點,在陽明山附近的觀景點也是相當多,這些點也都可以看夜景,本研究以景觀的視覺要素包括點、線、面、體,與不同描述景觀的型態來討論景觀元素在不同的地點與不同的時間所呈現不同的型態,並以景觀美質評估技術來了解景觀的組成,並以問卷的方式來了解那些因素會影響遊客意象,問卷以My survey問卷上的人為問卷對象。在研究中我們發現陽明山與大屯山的景觀元素最為集中而且遼闊,不僅遮蔽物少,而且可以看到相當多的景觀元素,而在其他地點,我們發現因為角度與視野的關係,所以能看見的景觀元素與景觀並不明顯。而透過問卷我們可以發現影響遊客意象最大因素是夜間景觀的完整性與交通的易達性。
The definition of the night scenes is the natural light and the artificial light mold the landscape in the night. This study will compare the landscape elements between the daytime and the night to understand what is the difference between the observation times. The study area is at Yangmingshan where is a good location to see the night scenes of the Taipei city. In Yangmingshan there are lots of locations can see the night scenes. In this study landscape visual elements, such as point, line, polygon and different landscape types are discussed. A Landscape assessment technology method is used to evaluate the composition of the landscape and a Questionnaire is adopted to understand the factors that affect the intentions of travelers. The Questionnaire target is from the people of “My Survey Questionnaire”. In this study we find Yangmingshan and Tatun Mountain is considered the Panoramic landscape, there are not many shelters and can see lots of landscape elements. We also find the integrity of night scence and transport accessibility will affect the intentions of traveler.