摘要: | 民國82年先後開放廣播頻率與有線電視,結合了衛星科技,其電視節目內容豐富及多樣化,使台灣有線電視的裝機率也一路攀升,在民國89前已有80%的台灣民眾裝有有線電視(劉幼俐、陳清河,民89)。民國99年媒體產業列入文化創意產業後,與我們的生活更密不可分,民國101年7月我國停止發送無線電視類比訊號,無線電視進數位化後,提供更多元的頻道,閱聽人的收視選擇種類更多樣化。臺灣媒體產業隨之急速發展,媒體組織與資訊爆增,媒體組織為了爭奪閱聽人的注意力,媒體競爭開始於節目、服務、資金、人才、技術等全方位的整體實力競爭。對閱聽人而言,如何選擇一個優質的媒體收看,對閱聽人而言更顯重要。
In Taiwan, with combination of satellite technology, the broadcast and cable TV has been released in public successively since 1993, the installed rate of cable TV has been dramatically soaring at 80% because of the variety of television programs (Liuyou Li, Chen Qinghe, in 2000). Our lives have been more closely connected with media industry since 2010 when the media industry was considered cultural and creative industries. The digitization signals replaced analog signals in 2012, it provided the audiences more channel options in diversity. With the blooming development and the information explosion in media organizations, the media in Taiwan started the extensively competition in services, capitals, talents and technologies in order to capture the audiences’ attention. Therefore, it’s important for the audiences to make a choice of a media with high-quality contents.
According to previous studies, it showed that most of the audiences viewing behavior researches was focused on the specific channels, programs, or audience personal qualities but didn't have further discussion on TV media image. In the competitive media environment, one of the key factors for the audiences is the impression of the TV media. In this research, it's is the key chapter and the influences between the audiences acceptance and TV media image.
Through the literature, the image of television media establishment, also influenced by external environmental factors, in addition to media organizations need external bothered image building and operating TV media image affect the assessment of the factors, and environmental factors into two parts, respectively, to the external environment and internal environment. The external environment, such as: media awards, by the state, government or social organizations in interference or influence. Internal environment, such as: TV media Charity Foundation's contribution to society, the TV media image advertising, news fault (fake reports, photos fraud).
Research framework based on the literature which is divided into internal and external environment is the intention of producing influential TV media image and audience viewing behavior. The research method used questionnaires survey, environmental factors and viewing behavior intentions part 5 Likert scale TV media image assessed using semantic differential. Regression analysis was used for statistical analysis to explore the relevance of TV media images and audience viewing behavior and the questionnaire items other demographic variables. Total of 400 questionnaires, 329 completed questionnaires, overall response rate is 82.25%. Be interviewed 159 male and 171 female. Age distribution up to the 21-30 age group, 83 people, followed by 31-40-years-old, 73 people; 41-50-year-old, 56 people; under 20 years of age, 52 people; 51-60-year-old, 47 people; and 61 over the age, 18 people. Residential area in the northern region for up to 74.2%. Level of education to tertiary institutions for up to 67.5%. The television station statistics of the lowest rating ,which is GOOD TV, 63 people (19.1%); most frequently watching television station the number of CTI TV Inc. for up to 45 people (13.7%).
The results show that will influence audience to television stations do not often watch, its internal environment doesn’t correspond to the intent of TV image of cognitive and audience viewing behavior, but the internal environment emotional factor will affect the image effectively. External environment for TV media image of intent and audience viewing behavior is significantly. Audience think that more positive TV media image will enhance the viewing behavior intentions, and negative TV media image of audience viewing behavior intention will reduce.
Audience think people who often watch TV, the internal environment they intent on the TV media image of cognitive and audience viewing behavior. External environment for TV media image and the intent of the audience viewing behavior significantly. Audience think that a more positive of TV media image will enhance the intent of re-viewing behavior, the negative TV media image will reduce the audience re-viewing behavior intention. |