為吸引消費者之目光及購買,廠商除了提供各種銷售誘因,更花費心思舉辦各式各樣的活動,來刺激消費者產生更多、更立即性的購買行為。此外, 隨著消費者生活水準逐漸提升,消費者除了重視產品功能及服務之外,也同時重視在消費過程中的感受。因此,本研究藉由廠商的體驗行銷活動為探討,了解消費者透過體驗對衝動性購買行為更具有顯著地正向影響。
Customer behavior is the most important part in business world. Nowadays, many retailer spend many times and money to understand any kinds of customer be-havior to stimulate customers in order to create more creatively and effective cus-tomer purchasing behavior. Furthermore, more and more people well educated and have high level standard life, so customers want get much more value of their money. They are not only taking the product function but also the service then also the sim-ultaneously expense process of the feeling.
This research is aiming to understand the massive influence between impulsive purchasing behavior and experiential marketing. The respondents of this research will be Chinese Culture University students with 450 questionnaire were handed out but only recycled 291 questionnaire is effective sample with the response rate 89%. As a result, experiential marketing is significantly and positively related to impulse buying behavior. Finally, this research provides some advice to further research and practical management.