The thesis is divided into five chapters, details, refer to the sections of the instructions, the main base structure is as following:
The first chapter is the introduction, this study describes the motivation, purpose and scope of the method.
The second chapter is the origin of the principle of trust and its contents from being allowed to explore the broader concept of legal risk and context, and to allow risk limits. finally mention about the relationship between the principles of trust involved.
The third chapter is trust principles applicable to explore the principle of trust and confidence in the criminal law to define its position on principle in criminal law.
Its architecture department is guilty of negligence which rank, as well as studies to comply with the principle fit in with what kind of elements, including subjective elements and objective elements, as well as its limitations.
The fourth chapter is applicable to the case and review of the principle of trust, including traditional traffic accidents, the majority of scholars to study the recent cases of medical malpractice typical for cases with atypical applicable, as well as other emerging risks may apply the trust principles of cases.
Chapter V Conclusions and Recommendations, integrate the content of the previous four total for the current practice and give personal opinion put forward views, hopes to be a reference for academic and practical.