摘要: | 欲研究我國性侵害犯罪之法律規範,必先將性侵害犯罪之基本意涵釐清,始能以此為基礎而展開後續之研撰。 職故,本文對性侵害犯罪之簡介,瞭解性侵害犯罪問題的嚴重性、形成背景等基本概念;釐清性侵害犯罪之定義、刑法的規定為何、對於本論文主題法規的歷史延革;再於性侵害犯罪防治法規定,了解對於加害人之限制與處置為何。
To study the legal norms of sexual assault, the basic meaning of sexual assault must first be clarified before they can be initiated as a basis for follow-up research. Therefore, this paper introduces the “sexual assault” to understand the seriousness of sexual assault, the formation of basic concepts such as its background; to clarify the definition of sexual assault, the regulations in the criminal law and the Sex Crimes Prevention Act, in order for offenders to understand their restrictions and disposal.
Also refer to the scholar’s cause and risk factors of sexual assault, the conceptual model, the paper discusses the characteristics and types of the sexual assault offenders and the behavior theory, and shows the statistics and analysis of sexual assault victims and the cycle paths of sexual assault. Through the comprehensive study, the research provides the reference of the causations of sexual assault and how norms for Sexual Assault Law to solve the problem. Eventually, our country can prevent it in the correct orientation.
This paper uses the statistical and economic analysis to combine the data in term of cost and efficiency, so that combines both the “justice”, the law seeks, and "efficiency”, the economics pursuits, together.For example, the implementation of “education” by law is only to teach "students", but in order to form a network to prevent crime occurred, it is only the combination of “family”, “community” and “school” occurs. I think the combination of school, family, and community, effectively disseminates knowledge and updates information.
Government spends a lot of time and money, but whether these human and material resources are effectively allocated, I hope through empirical statistical data to enable the Government to understand "maximizing efficiency" concept, so that the crime prevention network could reach its maximum effect, and reduce overhead and cost, in order to amend the law. |