摘要: | 在學術交流盛行的時代,越來越多國內外學術單位都在舉辦學術研討會。然而許多國內研討會網站功能參差不齊,投稿、審稿作業缺乏一致的標準,形成許多研討會網站的內容過於單純,無法有效累積歷年研討會的論文發表成果。有鑑於此,本研究首先整理相關文獻,觀察分析現有的研討會網站,並參考資訊系統成功模型(ISSM)建立研究架構,再經由AHP專家訪談問卷,歸納整理學術研討會管理系統必要功能,期望能規劃出較佳的研討會管理系統。
In the heyday of academic exchanges, more and more domestic and foreign academic institutions are organized symposium. However, many national seminars site features uneven, contributors, reviewers lack of a consistent standard operation, the formation of many seminars site's content is too simple, accumulated over the years can’t be effectively seminar papers published results. In this research, the first compilation of relevant literature, observation and analysis of existing workshop site and Reference Information System Success Model (ISSM) to establish research framework, Then through AHP expert interview questionnaire, collate the necessary functions Symposium management system, hoping to better plan out seminar management system.
The results show a relatively good seminar management system should include: Content Management subsystem, Invitation subsystem, Online Submission subsystem, Reviewers subsystem, Charges subsystem and Registration subsystem. Users on the front, that is, those who wish to contribute, the more emphasis on " Online Submission subsystem ", followed by " Content Management and Invitation subsystem ", and finally " Charges and Registration subsystem ", while the background users, more emphasis on " Content Management and Invitation subsystem ", followed by " Online Submission and Reviewers subsystem ", and finally " Charges and Registration subsystem " This research results available to conference organizing unit of reference and application. |