A大調第一號小提琴協奏曲為法國作曲家─夏爾.卡米爾.聖桑(Charles Camille Saint-Saëns, 1835-1921)於西元1859年所作的曲子,此首曲子被獻給西班牙小提琴家薩拉沙泰(Pablo Sarasate, 1844-1908),為一首三個樂章不間斷的協奏曲。本研究以小提琴與鋼琴版本做分析詮釋,總共分為五章,除了探討聖桑生平與作曲背景,也深入了解當時法國音樂的器樂樂曲發展。對時代背景與作曲家作曲手法充分了解後,便對此首小提琴協奏曲進行樂曲分析與詮釋上的解說。第一章為緒論,為本研究的研究動機與預計採取的研究方法等;第二章為作曲家生平與創作背景、音樂風格上的探討;第三、四章分別為樂曲分析與詮釋;第五章內容為結論,對此次研究結果進行各方面最終的整理與規納。
Charles Camille Saint-Saëns,1835-1921, a French composer, who composed Violin Concerto in A major No.1 Op.20 in 1859. The concerto is formed by three continuous movement and is dedicating to a Spanish Violinist, Pablo Sarasate (1844-1908).The research is composed by five chapters, analysis is made through two different aspects, Piano and Violin version. This dissertation not only researched the historical background of this concerto but also the life of Saint-Saëns. Insight into French instrumental music development at that time period is also provided.
Following by the understanding of historical background knowledge andSaint-Saëns's composing technique, the song analysis and interpretation of this violin concerto carried out for further explanation. The first chapter is introduction which contains the motivation and ways of research; Chapter two is about composer's life and investigate his creation's background and discuss the music style;Third and fourth chapters are performance analysis and interpretation; The final chapter is conclusion.