摘要: | 中國大陸經過30年改革開放歷程,在經濟層面實現了長足的增長,據統計,迄2012年其人均GDP(國內生產毛額)已達4,500美元,但伴隨著經濟高速成長而來,卻是利益分配不均、社會矛盾日益嚴重。近年存在貧富差距、勞資糾紛、徵地拆遷、環境議題、官員貪腐及公權力執法不當等諸多問題,亦是釀成社會抗議事件的結構性因素。在非結構性因素(人為)方面,本研究運用近年中國大陸社會抗議事件中媒體報導資料,進行量化分析研究,發現媒體報導的積極性及強度,確會對於中國大陸抗議事件有所影響,而中共亦積極在社會抗議事件中爭取媒體輿情的主控權。
In Mainland China, after the 30 years of reformation and opening up, it has the incredible development of the economics, According to statistics, as of 2012, the Per capita GDP has reached US$4,500, but the uneven profit allocation, social contradiction are getting more and more serious accompanied by the rapid economic growth. In the recent years, the income inequality, labor dispute between labor and management, land expropriation and demolition as well as the relocation, environmental issues, the civil service is riddled with corruption, improper enforcement of public authority and so on, which are the structured factors of bringing about the social protests. Rregarding the aspect of unstructured (human)factors, the study adopt the current information from media which are about social protests in Mainland China and the quantitative analysis and research were carried. It is discovered that the enthusiasm and intensity which the media report surely affect the protests events in Mainland China, and the authority of PRC is actively trying to dominate the public sentiment from media among the protests. |