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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://irlib.pccu.edu.tw/handle/987654321/25254

    Title: 社會接觸及旅遊體驗對台灣的意象之研究:以中國大陸遊客為研究案例
    A Study of the Social-Contact and Travel-Experience to Taiwanese ImageThe Case of Mainland China Tourist
    Authors: 林新棠
    Contributors: 觀光事業學系
    Keywords: 社會接觸
    Date: 2013-07
    Issue Date: 2013-09-16 14:27:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 政府自2002年開放中國大陸旅客來台旅遊後,兩岸人民交流日漸頻繁,2012來台之中國大陸觀光客已超過250萬人次,成為台灣最重要的觀光客來源。然過往文獻多在探討中國大陸觀光客旅遊之動機、體驗以及對於台灣經濟的貢獻等,但對中國大陸觀光客來台旅遊,並於台灣社會、民眾、政府有所接觸後,對於台灣之各象認之以及敵對態度是否有所改變甚少探討。世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization, WTO)早在1967年將促進世界和平列為世界觀光發展的四大目標之一,認為出國觀光是一種與不同文化及生活習慣之群體進行社會接觸的過程,是交流與相互了解的管道,敵對國家人民間的旅遊活動可以降低誤解,增進情感,因此有助於促進敵對國家之和平發展。接觸假說(contact hypothesis)亦指出,頻繁地接觸能破除原先的成見,尤其如果發現與先前刻板印象不同時,更能推翻負面的態度。據此,本研究假設中國大陸觀光客與台灣社會之接觸程度越強,對於台灣之各項認知將愈佳。研究於台灣桃園國際機場之出境大廳針對中國大陸觀光客獲得393份有效問卷,初步分析發現,中國大陸觀光客於離境時,對於台灣社會、人民、政府之觀感多屬正面,且多不希望海峽兩岸發生戰爭或有敵對意識,希望兩岸能有進一步交流。關鍵字:社會接觸(social contact),目的地意象 (destination image),目的地印象(destination impression),對台灣的意象(the image of Taiwan),旅遊體驗(travel experiences),自助旅行(FIT)
    People on both sides of Mainland China and Taiwan interflow more frequent since 2002 the government opened mainland Chinese tourists traveling to Taiwan. Mainland Chinese tourists come to Taiwan has more than 2.5 million people in 2012, it becomes the most important source of tourists in Taiwan. However, most past literatures were exploring mainland Chinese tourists’ motivation, experience, and contribution to Taiwanese economy, less literatures were concerning the change of mainland Chinese tourists’ perception toward Taiwan and hostile attitude after traveling and having contacts with Taiwanese society, public, and government. World Tourism Organization (WTO) has put promoting world peace on the list as one of the four goals in the World Tourism Development in 1967, considering overseas traveling is a process of social contact with different culture and lifestyle, so as a way to interflow and help to understand between countries. Contact hypothesis also pointed out that contact can get rid of the original stereotypes by frequent contacts.Keywords: social contact, destination image, destination impression, the image of Taiwan, travel experience, FIT According to this, the study assumed that the stronger degree of contact in mainland Chinese tourists with Taiwanese society, the better perception toward Taiwan will be. The research obtained 393 valid questionnaires for mainland Chinese tourists from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Preliminary analysis found that at the time of departure, mainland Chinese tourists’ perception to Taiwanese society, people, and the government are positive, and mostly do not want to have war or hostile awareness, hoping to have further interflow from both sides.
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Tourism & Graduate Institute of Tourism Industry ] Thesis

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