摘要: | 筆者的創作主要在於描繪現代的少女天真、純潔和甜美的氣質,所以將論文題目訂為「純真年代」(innocent age)並加以闡述研究。筆者期盼本論文有將研究的每篇章節表現出來,希望從創作中表現出繪畫內涵,將研究與創作達到學習並進的效果。畫家在不同的時空、環境,創作出不同的藝術品,前人藝術的成就對後代藝術家有所影響,這種藝術上的薪火相傳說明文化、藝術不能切斷與過去歷史的關聯,任何時代的藝術都需要承先啓後來接替,筆者承接過去風格,繼續下一步個人的再創造,筆者可以從社會、自然、人生、老師、朋友之間學習與經驗(experience),並將其與客觀世界對照,才能分辨前人的優點;學習前人的經驗,融會在筆者的創作中,並將其優點轉化於筆者的創作中;筆者對東、西方美術亦有涉獵,從中融會出筆者自己的藝術個人觀點。
筆者在論文中舉例想學習的三位代表畫家,分別是雷諾瓦(Pierre-Auguste Renoir)、莫莉索(Berthe Morisot)、潘玉良。而筆者在研究所以畫人物為主,喜歡用油畫來描繪作品,以少女搭配背景使畫面有故事性,將自己或身邊的家人、朋友當作畫中主角,畫中展現少女、孩童在日常生活的某一形象。筆者關注在題材上的創新和生活經驗感受,也希望作品可以感動自己也可以感動觀賞者,讓人心靈產生悸動、溫暖感,且可以一再回味!
My creation is to depict the modern girl’s innocent, pure and sweet temperament, so I set the thesis topic as "Innocent Age" and then carry out elaboration.
I look forward to this thesis will present each chapter of the research, to exhibit the content of paintings from the creation, making the research and creation reach learning-pronged effect. Painters in different time, space, and environment, create different works of art, and previous achievements in the arts have an impact on future generations of artists; this kind of art legacy explains culture and art cannot be cut with the association of past history. The art of any age needs to continuously succeed. I undertake the past style, continuing to the next step of personal re-recreation. I can learn and experience from the society, natural, life, teachers, and friends, and compare with the objective world, inorder to distinguish the advantages of predecessors; the learning experience of predecessors is mixed in my creation, and their advantages are transformed into my creation. I am also involved in east and west arts slightly which I mix and have my own artistic personal point of view.
In the thesis, for example, tree representatives of the painters I want to learn are Renoir, Morrisot, and Pan Yuliang. In graduate institute, I mainly painted figures; I like to describe the works by oil painting. Young girls with the background make the picture of narratives by my family members, and friends as the protagonist of the painting; in the painting, the certain image of young girls, children in their daily lives are shown. I focus on the theme of innovation and life experience feelings, but also hope that the works can move myself and viewers to make the mind producing the throbbing, warmth, and can be repeatedly after taste! |