摘要: | 計劃行為理論雖然有多年的研究而衝動購物理論也趨近成熟,但是宵夜行為在學術上是無法分別以單一理論來完整的解釋。因此本研究整合計劃行為理論與衝動購物兩種理論以提供人類行為在食物消費上更合理的分析。本研究選擇具有台灣特色之飲食習慣-宵夜行為,為本研究主題,藉由宵夜行為的複雜性來完整解釋這種文化上獨特之飲食行為。本研究於2013年3月20日至4月20日發放問卷,採非比例分層抽樣法,回收759份有效問卷。進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、相關分析及迴歸分析。本研究發現,當這些族群認為在吃宵夜不會變胖的情況下,這些受測者會和計劃性的宵夜行為有相關,另外,本研究驗證計劃行為理論的架構對於宵夜的意圖可以有顯著的預測能力,然而,過去行為的影響力在架構裡扮演著解釋力最高的變數,可以將原本架構的的意圖解釋力由23.1%提升至31.3%,另一方面,本研究亦發現,當宵夜族群認為在吃宵夜會變胖的情況下,這些受測者會和衝動性的宵夜行為有相關。而影響這些消費者會傾向衝動購買宵夜的原因有主要三點包括衝動性特質、過去行為的次數及金錢的因素,最後並提出實務具體建議。
Academically, late night snack behaviour can not be fully explained by any single theory although the theory of planned behaviour has been studied for many years, and the theory of impulse buying is also becoming mature. Therefore, the theory of planned behaviour and the theory of impulse buying were integrated in this study to provide a more reasonable analysis of human behaviour in terms of food consumption. Late night snack behaviour, a characteristic Taiwanese dieting habit, was selected as the research topic in order to employ the complexity to completely explain the culturally unique dieting behaviour. The questionnaires of this study were delivered between March 20, 2013 and April 20, 2013 by means of disproportionate stratified random sampling. Eventually, 759 valid questionnaires were retrieved and applied to descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. According to these analyses, when the participants thought that eating snacks will not cause them to put on weight, they were related to planned late night snack behaviour. In addition, it was verified in this study that the theoretical framework of planned behaviour is significantly predictive for the intention of late night snacks. Nevertheless, the influence of previous behaviour was the most explanatory variable in the framework, which increased the explanatory power of intention in the original framework from 23.1% to 31.3%. On the other hand, it was found in this study that when the participants thought that eating late night snacks will cause them to put on weight, they were related to impulsive late night snack behaviour. It was also found that there were three reasons which likely caused the consumers to impulsively purchase late night snacks, including impulsive characteristic, the frequency of previous behaviour, and money. Finally, practical and specific suggestions were brought up accordingly. |