摘要: | 今日的現代生活周遭中,存在著許多社會的弱勢族群,這些族群之所以成為弱勢,有其發展的必然因素,但,一定包括人類的漠視。弱勢族群有殘疾人士、單親家庭、邊緣人物等,其中動物也常是受人所忽視的,筆者特別感興趣與關注的重心,放在流浪狗這個議題上。狗再成為流浪狗之前,可能是家庭中重要的一份子,受到喜愛與照顧,當牠成為流浪狗之後,牠的命運直轉及下,成為人類不負責任下的犧牲品。
All over the living environment around us nowadays exist numerous socially disadvantaged minorities. There are various necessary factors leading to such social disadvantages; however, human indifference is definitely one of them. Those socially disadvantaged minorities consist of the disabled, single-parent families, marginalized people, and so forth. Animals, being among the minorities, are usually neglected by humans. Therefore, the issue of stray dogs, which really appealed for my attention, is what I am really concerned about. Before becoming a stray, a dog could play an important part in a family, being loved and taken care of. At the moment when they turn into a stray, their fate begins to whirl down upon them, finally, making them sacrifices for human irresponsibility.
The controversy over if humans have the power to decide the fate of the animals and their rights to life, only depending on their likes or dislikes, is worth thinking. With the works on the topic of stray dogs, I try to call for rethinking about our daily life to figure out if there is a gap between the choices we made and the responsibility needed for them and to change our indifferent behaviors. There is no need for overstating a readily help as a splendid achievement. We should be more generous with the emotional supports and, on an equal basis, respect those of different statuses and backgrounds. Attitudes of this sort are mutual but lacked by modern people. |