台灣為一海島四面環海高溫、高濕與高鹽份的環境,加上空氣汙染的結果,腐蝕環境嚴重。北投、陽明山位於台灣北部著名之溫泉區,硫害情況十分嚴重。目前國內對於硫害的相關研究,特別針對北投、陽明山地區十分罕見。過去公共建設常引用國外大氣腐蝕數據進行腐蝕速率評估與防蝕設計,結果常有未達設計年限,就已鏽蝕損害的情形。因此,本土化大氣腐蝕性的掌控,對金屬結構物耐久性防蝕措施,格外顯得重要。本研究計畫是針對針對銅、鋁、鋅以線材方式在含硫地區北投、陽明山進行實地臨場曝露測試,根據ISO及CNS規範進行腐蝕速率監測;並分析其腐蝕生成物之結構與化學組成,比較三種金屬之腐蝕速率與腐蝕機制。由氣象資料推估:北投、陽明山地區的RH>80%幾達全年。北投、陽明山離海岸線已超過10公里,海鹽沉積量應低於10mg/m2/day,但新民國中附近之溫泉明顯含有較高之氯離子。由北投陽明山地區之大氣腐蝕性測試結果顯示,該地之大氣腐蝕性介於C5與C5+ :Cu(C5+)>Zn(C5+)>Al(C5) 之間,由一年四季腐蝕數據觀之,銅、鋁、鋅之腐蝕速率,仍有增加的趨勢,值得持續追蹤。
Taiwan is a semi-tropical island sorrouned by the sea.with a high temperature, high humidity and high salinity of the environments. coupled with the results of air pollution, can therefore be considered severe corrosive environments. Beitou and Yangmingshan area with high contents is located in the northern part of Taiwan's famous hot spring area sulfur. However local sulfur-related research, especially for Beitou and Yangmingshan area is very rare. Various construction often quoted foreign data regarding atmospheric corrosion and corrosion design. The results are ofthen less than the design life, to have the rust damage. Therefore, to control the atmospheric corrosion of the metal structures in particularly important. This research project is focused on copper, aluminum and zinc wires exposing in Beitou and Yangmingshan area for field testing, according to the ISO and CNS specifications regarding of corrosion rate monitoring to analyze the structure and chemistry of the corrosion products, While to compare the three metal corrosion rates and the related corrosion mechanisms. The environment data from Beitou and Yangmingshan area is estimated to RH> 80% almost all year round, sea salt deposition less than 10 mg/m2/day 10km away from the coastline, but the area in the vicinity of the hot spring contain significantly higher chloride ions, and the SO2 content in hot spring area should be greater than the value cited from the relevant literature 200mg/m2/day. The atmospheric corrosion test results from Beitou and Yangmingshan region show that the classification to the ISO or CNS from the year-round test of copper, aluminum and zinc corrosion rate. However, the result also indicate a tendency for increasing.