應用完整系譜、表型資料與基因組進行遺傳評估與選拔是現代化豬隻育種的重要方法,可獲致較大的遺傳改進量,但目前基因組的掃描費用仍高,應用功能性基因加上系譜與表型資料,仍是現代育種技術的主流。本計畫為一三年期研究,針對藍瑞斯(Landrace, L)、約克夏(Yorkshire, Y)與杜洛克(Duroc, D)三個品種的種公豬、去勢公豬與女豬,評估不同品種不同性別豬隻脂肪厚度、腰眼面積、瘦肉的生長與體重的變化;並分析台灣不同品種豬隻功能性基因的頻率,及其與脂肪厚度、腰眼面積的生長與體重的關聯。本計畫於第一與第二個年度完成了138頭豬的生長測定與基因檢測,80頭豬的屠體與肉質性狀分析。今年為第三年度,除持續收集與評估純種豬群經濟性能外,並建立體組成的生長曲線,發展適合台灣豬群的體組成性狀修正因子,建立台灣純種豬群瘦肉率預測公式,篩選並整合適用於台灣豬群之數量性狀基因座。
Use of full pedigree, phenotypic data and genomic information for genetic evaluation and selection may increase rate of genetic gain and is the state to the art modern swine breeding strategy. This is a 3 years project, the main purposes are to evaluate the growth of fat thickness (FAT), longissimus muscle area (LMA) and body weights for Landrace(L), Yorkshire(Y), and Duroc(D) of boars, barrows, and gilts; and to analyzed functional markers information for these three breeds and their relationship with the economic traits. In the first year of study, molecular information as well as the body composition data were collected and analyzed. Carcass and pork quality traits were also evaluated for the three breeds of pigs. Body composition and other economic traits data were collected continuously in the second year. Growth curve for the body composition traits were developed primarily, and to develop the prediction system for lean content for the purebred populations. Finally, the adjustment factors for body composition traits at different weights and the prediction system for lean content were developed, and to select a group of the useful quantitative genetic loci that can be used in the swine breeding program in Taiwan.