In this one-year project I endeavor to examine the details of Wang Yang Ming's “Zhi Hang He Yi.” Concerning this issue, scholars have proposed various interpretations, pondering whether “Yi Nian Fa Dong Chu” is applicable in “Zhi Hang He Yi.” For instance, Chen Lai accentuates “Chong Hang” (the emphasis on the practice) and argues that “Yi Nian Fa Dong Chu” is not applicable in “Zhi Hang He Yi.” Li Ming Hui, on the other hand, suggests that “Nian” is also an “act” in “Zhi Hang He Yi” so as to solve the entanglement. Inspired by the previous researches on “Zhi Hang He Yi,” I intend to analyze the intricate relationship between “Zhi Hang He Yi” and “Nian.” Furthermore, I will reevaluate whether “Shan Nian” and “E Nian” can be categorized as an “act” in Wang Yang Ming's theoretical framework of “Zhi Hang He Yi.” Finally, I attempt to assimilate the arguments proposed by Chen Lai and Li Ming Hui while returning to the core principle of Wang Yang Ming's “Zhi Hang He Yi.” 此研究計畫預計一年,欲釐清王陽明論述「知行合一」時的細部可議之處。當代前輩學 者曾針對此「知行合一」問題提出多種看法,包含留意到「一念發動處」是否適用於「知 行合一」的教法。陳來先生針對此處提出「重行」之說,而李明輝先生則以「意念屬行」 的方式來解消此糾葛……等。針對前輩學者們的研究成果,筆者欲補充說明有關「知行 合一」與「意念」細部關聯,並在陽明所認同的「知行合一」架構下,重新論說「善念」、 「惡念」是否屬「行」的問題,並針對前述兩位前輩學者的看法做出調和,且回歸陽明 論說「知行合一」時的主要涵義。