摘要: | 消費者對商店印象與食品品質態度皆對消費者來店意願與購買行為會有一定程度之影響,餐飲業欲提升其業績增加競爭力,必定要對此區域加以改善。本研究旨在瞭解消費者對義大利麵餐廳商店印象及食品品質態度與消費行為之間的差異情形。
本研究採立意取樣方式進行問卷調查,以台北市7家義大利麵餐廳用餐後顧客作為研究對象,共計483位。研究工具包含個人背景變項調查表、商店印象重視度及滿意度量表、食品品質重視度及滿意度量表、消費行為調查表等四種量表。施測所得之資料運用統計套裝軟體SPSS for windows 12.0 進行資料分析,以次數分配、平均數、標準差、t檢定考驗、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後比較及卡方考驗等統計方法進行資料處理與分析。研究結果如下:
一、 消費者最重視的商店印象項目為店員的態度,而食品品質方面,
二、 台北市義大利麵餐廳商店印象重視度會因消費者性別、婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業、月收入的不同有顯著差異存在。
三、 台北市義大利麵餐廳食品品質重視度會因消費者婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業的不同有顯著差異存在
四、 台北市義大利麵餐廳商店印象滿意度會因消費者婚姻狀況、年齡、職業、月收入的不同有顯著差異存在。
五、 台北市義大利麵餐廳食品品質滿意度會因消費者年齡、教育程度、職業、月收入的不同有顯著差異存在。
六、 台北市義大利麵餐廳消費行為會因消費者婚姻狀況、年齡、教育程度、職業、月收入之不同而有顯著差異存在。
七、 台北市義大利麵餐廳的「是否知道餐點特色」會因商店印象重視度之不同而有差異存在;「到此餐廳用餐頻率」、「到此餐廳用餐的主要動機」、「是否知道餐點特色」、「如何得知餐廳訊息」、「此次消費整體滿意度」會因商店印象滿意度之不同而有差異存在。
八、 台北市義大利麵餐廳的「到此餐廳用餐的主要動機」、「到此餐廳用餐頻率」、「消費時考慮之價位」、「是否知道餐點特色」、「如何得知餐廳訊息」會因食品品質重視度之不同而有差異存在;「如何得知餐廳訊息」、「消費時考慮之價位」、「到此餐廳用餐的主要動機」、「是否知道餐點特色」、「此次消費整體滿意度」會因食品品質滿意度之不同而有差異存在。
關鍵字 : 義大利麵餐廳、商店印象、食品品質、態度、消費行為
There will have some effect on willingness to come this store and consumer behavior about consumer’s attitude toward store image and food quality. The food and beverage industry wants to promote its achievement to increase the competitive power. The leader should try to
improve this area. This research are targeted at the consumers in past restaurant, and present the analysis of consumer behavior and the consumer’s attitude towards the store image and food quality.
The purposive sampling is using in this research, we aware with the questionnaire on 483 consumers who had a meal on pasta restaurants in Taipei city. The four items of the questionnaire are the personal profile, the importance and satisfaction on food quality, the importance and satisfaction on store image, and the consumer behavior. We are using the suitable software SPSS for windows 12.0 to carry on analysis, the statistical methods are included frequency, average, standard deviation, t test, One-Way ANOVA, Scheffe’s posterior comparison and Chisquare test. The result and discussion :
1. The most important item of store image for consumers is the attitude of staff. Besides, the most important item of food quality for consumers is the food hygiene.
2. The store image was significant importance different due to consumer’s sex, marital status, age, education degree, occupation, monthly income.
3. The food quality was significant importance different due to consumer’s marital status, age, education degree, occupation
4. The store image was significant satisfaction different due to consumer’s marital status, age, occupation, monthly income.
5. The food quality was significant satisfaction different due to consumer’s age, education degree, occupation, monthly income.
6. Consumer’s behavior was significant different due to consumer’s marital status, age, education degree, occupation, monthly income.
7.“if known the characteristic of meal” was significant different due to the importance of store image.“the frequency of getting into restaurant” ,
“major cause getting into restaurant ”,“if known the characteristic of meal”,“how to get information to restaurant ”,and“the whole satisfaction towards restaurant ”, were significant different due to the satisfaction of store image.
8. “major cause getting into restaurant ”, “the frequency of getting into restaurant” , “the price to be considered”, “if known the characteristic of meal” ,and “how to get information to restaurant ” were significant different due to the importance of food quality. Besides, “how to get information to restaurant ”, “the price to be considered”, “major cause getting into restaurant ”, “if known the characteristic of meal”, and “the whole satisfaction towards restaurant ” were significant different due to the satisfaction of food quality. |