摘要: | 本研究以當代生活在跨越二或三個國家(中國、緬甸、臺灣)的緬甸華人作為研究焦點,探討緬甸華人遷移過程與遷移的背景因素並了解他們如何適應臺灣的文化、風俗習慣、生活環境等……適應問題。
This research focuses on the migration process and backgrounds of the Myanmar Chinese immigrants in Taiwan, and understands how they adapt to the culture, customs, and living environment of Taiwan.
The preliminary survey was conducted to examine the time the Myanmar Chinese arrived and the problems of living in Taiwan; the detailed interviews were followed to explore the immigrants’ motivation and background. The first generation of the Myanmar Chinese migrated from China to Myanmar, and settled for decades; in 1949, they "came back" to Taiwan with the national military government. With political upheaval, domestic hardship in Myanmar and “anti-Chinese” incidents, the Myanmar Chinese had to leave Myanmar.
According to the Myanmar government’s “Nationalization Policy”, all industries owned by the Overseas Chinese were confiscated, and Chinese schools were abolished. There are three times of “currency reform” without warning deprived the Overseas Chinese of wealth. In addition, in 1962, the “anti-Chinese incidents” caused droves of the Myanmar Chinese to emigrate. With the increase in number of the Myanmar Chinese from Myanmar to Taiwan, the motivation of immigration was strengthened and the need for more information was also increased. The factors strengthen motivation of the Myanmar Chinese to leave Myanmar in include relatives and friends, demand for work, desire for Chinese education, and cross-national marriage. The immigrants’ language and eating habits of ability to adapt differ based on their age and educational level. For the adult Myanmar Chinese, the adaptation to working environment, family, and marriage here in Taiwan is definitely the next challenge.
Myanmar Chinese have to learn how to adapt into living environment in Taiwan, and to show unique Myanmar Chinese characteristics in different countries. |